Chapter Eight: Alone

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A few weeks passed by, and summer break came upon us rather quickly. Haruhi was getting ready to leave town to work at a place run by one of Dad's friends while I sat staring out the window of my room. They had both tried to talk me into going, but I refused each time. I couldn't risk my scholarship. Around noon, she left and Dad went back to bed, too tired to fight with me anymore. I sat with papers strewn everywhere, none of them school work or even drawings. No, they were sheets and sheets of poems about various things, and helped when a review of my scholarship terms came into question.

"Hikari, I'm heading to work!" I sat up with a start and looked around. I had curled up and fallen asleep on my floor. Wait, how had I gotten to the floor? I shook my head, because it didn't matter. I stood up and stretched and walked out of my room.

"Hello there." I froze at the voice. I looked to our front door and saw Dad standing there, frozen, and-

"Ootari-sama," I whispered in shock and I quickly fell into a deep bow. I heard his dreaded laugh and his fancy shoes click on our wood floor. I stayed frozen in my bow and felt him stop in front of me and place a hand on my head.

"Mr. Fujioka, you may leave." I heard Dad quickly leave and the door slammed shut. My eyes started to fill with tears as I became fully aware of my very short sleeping shorts and my low cut crop top that I slept in. The hand on my head suddenly gripped my hair and pulled my head back. I was forced to stand up and I made sure no pain showed on my face. He liked it when he saw the pain.

"What can I do for you today, sir?" I asked in a soft and sweet voice. An animal-like smirk formed on his face and his eyes flashed.

"Do you by any chance have any poems for me today?" My eyes widened in fear and he pushed me into my messy room and shut the door. I quickly moved the papers out of the way into a corner, and the ones on my bed joined them. He then snaked an arm around my chest and one very low on my hips and held me to him. I could feel what he was going to do and my head fell forward as I began to cry. I felt his breath on my neck.

"You're mine." He bit. I screamed.


The flashing lights of a passing police car flashed beneath my window. I saw them flash on my ceiling from my dark corner. Tears still streamed down my face, mixing with blood on my lips. A new light flashed. It came from beside me. It came from my phone. I shakily grabbed it and opened it. There were two messages. One from Haruhi, and another from Tamaki. They said the same thing. They were all together, and wanted me there. I closed my phone and threw it across the room. Fresh tears ran down my cheeks. They would never understand my pain, and I never wanted them to. I needed to be alone.

Knock. Knock. Knock. I froze and then tried to shrink farther into my dark corner. The knocking continued on the front door for a few more seconds, and then stopped. I started to relax until I heard the doorknob jiggle. I had locked it earlier so Dad was the only one who could get in. It wasn't Dad at the door. I heard a muffled voice say something but I just ignored it. There was a frustrated sigh and then another voice spoke. That one was a bit like Dad's. I looked at my clock and saw that it was only 10 o'clock, so Dad was off very early. I heard keys and the door was unlocked and opened. Yup it was definitely Dad.

"Hikari," I heard him call quietly. "Sweetie, Daddy is home now." I bit back a sob and didn't move. I knew someone was there and I didn't want whoever it was to see me like this. I heard two sets of soft footsteps walk to my room. I glanced at my closet, remembering that the floor was bare. I silently slid the door open just enough and crawled inside. I hid myself in the shadows farthest from the opening and became silent again just before my door was opened. I heard Dad gasp and run down the hall, checking the other rooms. I heard him curse and then someone walked into my room. I heard the bell on my phone ring as it was opened.

"She has to be here. She's seen messages within the last 5 minutes." I bit my arm to keep from crying out. Kyoya was the other person. He was the number one person on my "To Avoid" list. I heard Dad run back in my room, and then they started looking all over my room. I heard my stack of poems move and both of them passed by the closet multiple times. Suddenly my light was flipped on and I flinched at the light, and ran into the wall.

"What was that?" I froze, not caring that the position I was in was uncomfortable. I heard one set of feet walk slowly over to the closet. The shadow appeared, and I saw that it was Dad. He looked straight to me, and his eyes widened in shock, and then they narrowed in anger. I hid my face and tried to hide more under the clothes, but he just opened my door more. I felt the light fall on me and I pulled my knees close to my chest and tried to hide myself with my long hair. I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"What happened to you?" came the hoarse whisper. I shook my head, signalling for Dad to not say a word. I heard someone kneel next to me, and I sensed a hand near me. I quickly hit it away and tried to run, but the pain in my upper thighs prevented me from even standing. Tears ran down my face as I felt hands on my shoulders and arms. The pain of being touched and moved was so intense that I couldn't hear if anything was being said.

"Just leave me alone. Please," I whispered. The hands tightened their grip and I chanced a gaze at who was holding me. It was Kyoya, and he looked into my eyes when I moved.

"I will never leave you alone again."

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