f i f t e e n

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-My POV-
A month passed by and I gotten used to the one eyed thing. But really, our relationship didn't get any better.
He is way over protective, and talks so much shit about people who are just being friendly to me. It's honestly getting freaky.
The sad part is that he consumes so much energy into his little charade that he doesn't pay attention to our sex life...... as embarrassing as that sounds, I do miss it.


I woke up to a chilly fall morning, and yet again Jesse was besides me shirtless with his arm over my body.
I quietly slipped away and went downstairs to make him breakfast, I opened all the blinds and curtains to let some sunshine in.
"*sighs*" I fired up the stove and got cooking.
Right in the middle of my cooking, I hear Jesse come downstairs.
"Mornin' babe"
I watch him put on his boots and nearly catch him at the door.
"Um where are you going?"
"Out with the old gang to eat some. Why?"
"Never mind, I'll see you later."
"Well alright little cutie."

As he shut the door tight I locked it and turned off the stove.
"Fuck me."
I angrily grabbed the food I was making and threw it into the trash can.
'Wheres this relationship going to?... he doesn't let me go out, but it's fine for him?. Tch'

I plop myself on the couch and turn the tv on.
I lay there for a good hour until I thought it was time to go out.
I put on my best outfit on and went off into the city.
'Should I drink coffee? Again.... yeah I should.'
As always I went down the same path to the coffee shop I usually go to and order what I usually get, plain black coffee.


I get the coffee and sit at a table and start to read the newspaper that was there.
Barely 10 minutes pass by and I see a fucking hot dude walk through the door. He has a great body, the v shaped one, he has beautiful tan skin, beautiful brown hair.
What I didn't realize was that I was staring at him with my mouth partially open. We made eye contact and he smiled. My face just turned red and I didn't respond.
He went over to the counter to put cream and sugar in his coffee, and then looked back at me. He caught me staring once again. He smiled walking towards me, and all the while I started to panic.
'Oh god oh god oh god. Be chill!'
"Hey! This seat taken?"
His voice sounded like an intelligent jock.... A good break from the southern accent I hear every day I guess.

"Oh. Um. No, go ahead!" I smiled and gestured my hand to sit.
"You like the news?" His warm smile made him squint which was the cutest thing ever.
"Haha, oh no. I guess. I just don't want to use my phone right now."
"That's cool that's cool."
As he looked at my coffee he looked shocked a bit.
"*chuckles* how can you stand plain coffee"
My face flushed with utter red, the comment he threw at me, which was an obvious joke, made me stutter. "W-well... I guess I like it."
"Haha that's cute"
My face went redder than satan's literal hot buns.
{as time went by, out conversations got more intense and more interesting}
"Well, it was really nice talking to you.... and you are?"
'Holy cow this whole conversation I didn't tell my name...'
"It's (Y/N), and you?"
"Well, Zach, it was really nice talking to you... maybe we can exchange numbers or something?"
"Yeah I'd like that *whips out phone* it's 123-456-7890." He smiled and left after we said our good byes.

*hopeful sigh* "hmm maybe I should meet up with Jesse?"
as I called him, he told me he was at a bar with Reinhardt and Lucio. And I told him I'll meet up in an hour or so to hang out.

(TIME SKIP: 20 minutes passed by and I gotten very impatient)
"Ugh whatever, being 40 minutes early wouldn't hurt anybody."

As I drove to the bar, I walked in and saw them at the very back.
Before I fully entered Jesse saw me. He waved and I waved back.
But before I took one step, a idiot looking girl who clearly was drunk looked like she was filtering with him, kissed him, AND TOUCHED HIS FUCKING CROUCH. I even saw her give him a paper.
My hand dropped annoyingly and I left.

Sorry for errors
Sorry for errors
Sorry for errors
Sorry for errors
Sorry for errors

Sorry it's been awhile, too many things are happening. I'll make better chapters for you! I know a lot of you dipped from my stories. But please I'm telling you I have great ideas that'll emerge soon!

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