The Only Option

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They drink the potion and they shrink.

They entered the dwarf's house.The dwarf bring them to a room full of millions of book.

"Where are we?"Shin asked.

"The Head Dwarf's Room."The dwarf gaurd answered.

They continue to walk towards a lonely table in the middle of the room.

"What do you want?"An old man voice said.

They haunt who owns the voice and they saw a dwarf who is wearing a leather coat and who has a long white hair and beard.

"Are you the Magical Dwarf?My friend needs your help. "Taehyung explained as he walk toward the magical dwarf.

The magical dwarf signed Shin to go near him.

Shin went infront of the magical dwarf.

The dwarf touch her forehead.Shin's forehead glowed and the 'QUEEN DEMON MARK' appeared.

"Are you sure you want me to turn you back to normal?"The magical dwarf asked.

"Yes.I really need to."Shin said.

"Hmm...But you're a Queen Demon. You are a special one.You are stronger than a royalty vampire and any creatures.Your even stronger than me."The magical dwarf explained.

Im the strongest?Well...that's good but...I want to be normal again.To be human again.

"I don't care.I just want to be a human again."Shin said.

"Okay.If that's what you want."And the Magical dwarf start to do spells and patterns on Shin's forehead.

Suddenly the magical dwarf stop.

"Oh sorry.I can't return you to human."The magical dwarf said.

"WHAT?!Why?"Shin asked.

The magical dwarf removed his hand from Shin's forehead and talk.

"I don't know why.But...the mark on your forehead doesn't want to go.It's like your destined to be another creature and your not going to return to the human world ever again."The magical dwarf explained.

"Wait.You mean Shin will never go back to her human form again?"Taehyung ask.

Because of what Taehyung said,Shin knocked him.

"STUPID.You just repeat what he said."Shin said.

The dwarf just laugh while Taehyung is suffering with pain.

"There must me another way."Shin said.

"Wait.Shin.JungKook's tiara!"Taehyung said.

"Tiara?Is that the red one I saw in his room?"Shin asked.

Taehyung nodded.

"How can it help?"Shin questioned Taehyung.

Taehyung stand straight and explained everything about the Tiara.

"The tiara.The Prince's Tiara.
Our mother gave the tiara to JungKook because among us,
JungKook is the most royalty.His father is different from our father.His father was prince.The prince who gave the tiara to his princess.And the princess is our mother.She gave the tiara to JungKook believing that someday,he will find his princess."

"But Im not his 'Princess.'"Shin said

"Wait.Let me finish first.You can't get the tiara if JungKook doesn't feel anything for you.But if he like's you, you can get it.If you already wear it,you have two option.Be JungKook's princess or scape the fantasy world."

"Well.Ill take that tiara to make my option."Shin said as she smirk.

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