Where are we?

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As we whent into the golden knight's bace we were unable to find out what these golden knight's where planing. As we explore the bace we whent in the main room as we looked we see they finish building something

Wolf: what is that ?

Ravenger: looks like some type portal

Carnage: phantom do you think it's a portal ?

Phantom:I don't know but we have to do something about it portal or not

Venom: I will crush then all VENOM SMASH!

Carnage: venom no!

But venom didn't hear his warning he jumped out and stabed one of the golden knight to death.
Golden knight solder: IT'S THE SYMBIOTE!
Dawn: well so much for stealth
Revis: I would have to agree
Everyone whent out and started to fight the knight's
Golden knight solder: QUICKLY AND ACTIVE THE PORTAL!
one turned it one and the port turned on but the gravity of the portal was so strong in pull the symbiotes and the knight's in with it.


RWBY And SYMBIOTE TEAM Crossover [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now