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Alex pov

As matt told us that him and blake where a thing now. Its nice to see my team finding someone to be with but we have to be on
task and careful with out warning north came in and said

North: alex I need to talk to you
Alex and north walked out

Alex: what is it?

North: okay I've founded something that the golden knights are looking for something

Alex: what?

North: I think It can open a portal back to are world

Alex ( looks down in a sad way) really but what are going to tell the gang or rwby

North: well I've thought of this....I think we should destroy it and don't let the golden knights leave this world

Alex: i guess we could try that

North: aright let's tell the rest
Alex and north went to there room to see the rest of the gang,rwby,jnpr talking and laughing

Alex: guys we have good news and bad news

Everyone: okay

Alex: north

North: aright the good news is that we've found out what the golden knights are looking for.......but the bad news is that it's a relic that can change into a portal that can take us back
Everyone looked in shock

Ruby: so your telling us that you guys are leaving(look so sad)

North: me and Alex thought about it and we are not going to leave here but we can't let the golden knights leave here my guess is that we have to destroy it and not let them leave

Blake: but don't you guys want to go home

Alex: for the rest of our lives this will be our home plz it fun here we like it here then our home

Jaune: sooo when is this relic and how are you going to get it

North: we it's called the promethazine mangle and we know that it will be guard so will you help us and stop them from leaving?
Jnpr thinks about it

Jnpr: we're in

Rwby: so are we

Symbiotes: let's do it

Alex: good north do you know we're it is?

North: searching.........shit

Max: what's wrong

North: it's in a temple that is far from us which means it is a long trip my guess it's a fourteen day trip

Everyone just everyone looked like they saw a really scary movie

Elise: well if that's what it takes to stop them will do it

Scott: plz I'm sure that we could find something to do one our journey it might be fun

Yang: well we're not going to find it just sitting here let's go

North: you got that right Alex what's the plan

Alex: aright guys lode up and prepare for sleeping stuff and the best weapon we have and symbiotes bring your backpacks because it's we are gonna need the symbiotes

Symbiotes: yes Alex
Rwby,jnpr,and the symbiotes got there weapons ready and everything i went to ozspin office as i knocked on the door he said come in I look to see him at his desk

Ozspin: Mr.maxfert what are you doing here?

Alex: well professor me rwby,jnpr, and the rest are going on a journey to stop the knight's

Ozspin: what do you mean

Alex: well the knight's are trying to find a relic that can open a portal back to our world and we've discussed that we are staying and not let the golden knights leave

Ozspin: ok you have permission to leave good luck
I nodded and left until

Ozspin: alex.....thanks for staying
I smirked and left i went back to my room my team had the symbiotes on I loaded my two shotguns and grabbed my swords and put the symbiote on

Alex: is everyone ready?

Everyone: yes

Alex: aright let's rock phantom lead the way

A/n: sorry for not posting I've been busy with school projects here and there and I'm sick but it not going to stop me so be sure to vote and comment on it and see you guys on the next chapter

RWBY And SYMBIOTE TEAM Crossover [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now