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Tintin's POV

'She needs to get better work hours...' I sighed mentally as I carried her bridal style upstairs to my apartment. I would take her to hers, but I already know it's locked, and I don't have a key. I stopped in front of my apartment door and slowly opened it and walked in with her in my arms, and snowy at my feet. I gently kicked the door shut before laying her down on the couch. "I wonder if she'll wake up this time" I mumbled quietly to my self as I stole a glance at her before walking over to my breakfast, and started in finishing it again.

I glance back over at her, and smile "I don't mind it when you pass out when your with me Opal" I said as a smiled played its ways onto my lips. 'I had to admit I did like her a lot she isn't annoying like some of the neighbors, and she's a great friend...' I sighed thinking of the word friend.

'Sometimes I don't know if I want more, or if I want nothing from her' I thought as a presence made it self in front of me on the table. I glanced at milou and smiled. She just stared at me with her bright sapphire blue eyes as I reached out and stroked her gray and white fur "I don't understand why you come up on my windowsill every morning milou, could you tell me why?" I asked in my usual reporter like tone.

She just meowed and rubbed her furry head against my chest "I'm gonna take an estimated guess that you like me" I said as I picked her up gently and brought her over to Opal and set her down on her stomach, during all of this snowy was watching me like a hawk, or maybe it was milou.

I stole a glance over at snowy before bending down and giving him a few pats on the head "don't worry old boy, milou won't move, and won't bother you" I say with a chuckle as I stood straight and stretched. It's about 10 now and time always flies by faster than I can blink. I sigh mentally thinking about the interviews I have to do today and tonight.

"Let's see.... Interview at the local bars, try to find the swing clubs in the red light district, and maybe, just maybe get some answers to some unsolved questions about drug smuggling and a death at the harbor" I say quietly sitting down at my kitchen table, folding my hand to my mouth as I put on a serious thinking face.

Rachel's POV
'I'm.... Dancing? Or maybe just fancy walking.... But why can I see me?' I thought to myself  as I watched myself on stage in one of my new get-ups for my singing nights at work, but surprisingly I've never seen this one before. 'Maybe I'm seeing into my future?' I smile as I see the midnight blue gown flow back and forth as I sway to the slow steady beat of the music.

'I'm being watched from all over.... Can I do this with them their?' I frown a bit looking at some guys across the large ballroom type room to see a few men dressed in uniform, listening to me sing, in the spot light in front of my best friend as well... I sighed mentally 'at least he's here this time to see me work and sing my heart out' I thought happily, my gaze leaving the men to my ginger haired friend whom had his jaw dropped slightly as he looked up at me.

'Maybe he's just awe-struck at my beauty' I chuckle to myself, sighing happily as I get up from my table and walk out the front door into the night 'thank the stars there's no rain tonight' I thought as I smiled and looked up at the bright shining stars above my head

~Dream End~

I tossed around a bit, moving from side to side not wanting to open my eyes yet. 'Where the hell am I even?' I thought as I scrunched up my face before opening my eyes, squinting and frowning as I looked up at the familiar ceiling 'so I see he was kind enough to bring into his apartment again' I thought as a smile crept up and spread out onto my lips "meoooow~" I glance down at my chest and see milou starring at me with her little cat smile she always has on.

I take a breath and pet her soft fur before I heard a small growl from beside me

I turned on my side to see snowy looking up at milou with his usual glare when he sees her "finally awake I see" tintins voice rang out across the quiet apartment as I stroked snowy's fur to get him to calm down "yeah... Um.. How long was I out for this time?" I ask tiredly as I rolled up into a sitting position. 'It wasn't that long was it?' I thought as he spoke "this time was about a few hours, but I think you should go back to sleep for now."

He said sternly as he walked over to me, and sat down next me on the comfy blue couch "I'm not all that tired though Martin, I feel rather refreshed!" I say as I stretch my hands and arms out to the ceiling with a smile as parts of my back cracked and popped loudly.

He frowned a bit and looked into my face "you have dark circles under your eyes, and I know it's from working night shifts at the bar but I think it's affecting your health" he says worried at me, looking me up and down in the process trying to see if anything seemed different or wrong "I think you should consider getting a different job" he said looking me straight in the eyes, his blue eyes clashing with my gray ones, I sighed a bit breaking the eye contact.

"Martin. I know you're worried about me, but trust me! I'm fine. I've had this job for a few years. I love it and I refuse to change it. I don't want to be a secretary for some big business man" I said with a sigh as I stroked milous fur, it always calms me down when I'm tired or stressed.

He nodded with a smile as snowy jumped up onto his lap and barked happily "alright, but try to get some sleep during the day to at least make it to your apartment, with out falling asleep in the stair well." He said with a small laugh "hey it's only happened 3 times in the last month! I'm doing okay" I say and nudge his arm playfully as I stood up making milou jump up onto tintins shoulders

"And last month it was 7 times" he said with a sigh as he stroked milou "yes but still I'm not dead or hospitalized, aren't I?" He shook his head and I started to walk into his bedroom "you still have some of my day clothes right?" I ask peeking my head out the door way "Yeah, they're in the third drawer of the dresser" he said as he set snowy down and milou off to the side before walking over to the door leading to the bedroom "you here for a show or something?" I ask unzipping the back of my dress to reveal a somewhat pudgy back and pale skin.

I close the door with a huff "sorry, still not used to you changing in my room even after 2 years" he said with nervous laugh while his face turned a rosy shade of red. I rolled my eyes and slipped the dress of and sighed happily before taking out a long skirted dress that had a button down top, it was a pale worn out blue, but boy was it pretty. I smiled  as I slipped it on "roomy, but wonderful I say with a smile as I pick up the red gown and put it on a hanger, hanging it up in the small closet he had, before I sighed

'Maybe today will be better' I think happily before opening the door to come face to face with Martin "......" We stared at each other for a moment before I poked his nose with a smile "I'm not worth the minute of starring you just did" I say as I walk past him and into the kitchen/living room area

'definitely a better day'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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