Quiet mornings?

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Tintin's POV
I laid in my bed with my eyes closed, not sleeping, but just not having the energy to force my self to get up yet, that was until my faithful companion snowy jumped onto the bed and stood on my stomach looking down at me, or at least that I could tell with my closed eyes. He started to whine and paw at my chest to "say get up" or "feed me".

I sighed as I slowly sat up and yawned snowy wagged his small white tail "alright snowy.... ~Yawn~ I'm up" I yawned out as I tried to run the sleep out of my eyes, but proved to no avail. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, and started walking to the parlor with snowy following behind, 'It always seems like he smiles...' I thought to myself as I reached for the ceiling and stretched as I walked into the kitchen to get snowy breakfast, and to figure out if I should follow that lead I found.

"Swing club scandals.... I don't know if this will turn into something big or if it's just a hoax story.... Hm, what do you think snowy?" I looked down at him with a smile. He looked back up at me and barked while waging his tail "alright I'll take that as a good story lead" I said as I fixed up his breakfast, put it in his bowl, and set it on the floor to which he happily walked over and started eating.

'I'll go out tonight and try to find more information on the swing club scandals, but until then I think I'll go around town to try and find some different stories incase this one is a bust' I thought as I turned on the burner to heat up the water in the teapot. 'Maybe I'll make eggs today.... Tea too' I said with a smile as I got the frying pan out, and started to make myself some breakfast.

Rachel's POV
"Great.... It's 6 am. It's raining, and I have no damn umbrella" I sighed as I walked in the cool bone chilling rain. Why was I out in this bone chilling rain you ask? Because I was out dancing at work up until just an hour ago.... I'm not complaining! I love my job I just wish I didn't work until 5 am, and with that said, I need some sleep.

I yawned for the fourth time as I blinked tiredly keeping my head down a bit so the rain wouldn't hit my face "at least none of the guys asked if I wanted to spend the night again" I sighed happily just before I heard a loud meow from above my head.

I looked up and smiled happily. I didn't realize it, but I made it to my apartment, and that meow was my cat milou in my neighbors window sill. 'Waaait a second, doesn't he have a do-oh no' I thought just as I heard barking, and my neighbors dog jumped out the window trying to get milou, but he didn't notice that there wasn't any ground beneath him until it was too late "oh no!" I said as I moved to catch the small white dog.

I caught him with a small sigh, and smiled as I laughed looking down at him "gotcha snowy, see what happens when you chase my cat?" I smiled before feeling a small stinging sensation on my back, which made me frown a bit at the feeling.

Milou landed on my back, and to make sure she would move she had her claws in my back.... I sighed before looking up seeing my neighbor leaning out the window with a look of horror plastered on his face, probably thinking his dog just became a pancake on the pavement "Hello Martin! It's a tad to early for this game of cat chase don't you think?" I said smiling as milou retracted her claws and jumped to the ground as I looked up and talked to my neighbor.

"Great snakes! Of course it is, I'll be down in a moment!" Martin went away from the window, and I started to speak again "It's okay Martin! I'll come up!" I said as I took out my key and opened the door, walking in with snowy still in my arms and milou walking behind me matching my pace. Martin came down in a hurry as I stood in the middle of the stairs. "I'm very sorry about this Opal.... I've told him many times not to chase your cat..."

He said as he scooped the stand still dog from my arms "Martin.... How many times do I have to tell you to call me Rachel?" I said with a smile as I crossed my arms and stared up at him. He became a bit flustered under my stare, but he smiled "oh no, did I say Opal? I meant Rachel right off the bat, heh heh..." He said with a happy awkward laugh "it's alright, but please don't forget again, you know I don't like my first name..." I sighed before I pat snowy on the head, to which he started to move again, shaking off what fear made him freeze moments ago

"I'm sorry that my cat likes to be by your apartment all the time..." I said sadly and bowed my head a bit to show I'm really sorry, that usually gets him to smile and say 'don't worry about it' and right on cue he waved one hand and held snowy with the other, and smiled

"It's okay Rachel, don't worry about it" I gave him a smile as milou climbed onto my shoulder and meowed at Martin "Even when snowy doesn't like her that much she still likes me, huh?" He said questionably to himself as he reached out and stroked her fur, she of course purred in response, which made him smile, 'he always has a wonderful smile'

I thought dreamily before he looked back at me "are you alright? You seem to be in a daze Rachel" he said worriedly as he looked at me "I'm alright, just.... ~yaaaaawn~ tired" I said  before I closed my eyes and drifted into dreamland, right there on the stairs. "Rachel?!"

~alright guys! First chapter out and done! *rounds of applause* thank you thank you, I'll do my best with the story and if you want give me some ideas. That's all for now! Thank you for reading and have some happy reading~
Srogirl out!

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