1.4: First break up

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"Did you notice how fat I got lately?" Tony asked Steve while looking at himself at mirror.

Steve stand up from bed and hugged Tony from behind. "Uhm fatty." he said teasing him and biting his ear.

"It's not funny." Tony said. "How can I lose my weight?"

"You can train with me every day." Steve said.

"Great idea. We'll also spend much more time together." Tony said.

"You know how else you can lose calories?" Steve said.

"How?" Tony asked and Steve push him on bed, laying over him and kissing his neck. "Really?" Tony smiled in disbelief.


"Apple!" Sarah said silently, hiding in school halls.

Apple turned around to her.

"Sarah?" she asked. Sarah wore cap and sunglasses not to be recongnizable.

"Shh. Come here." Sarah said.

"What happened to you? Why are you hiding?" Apple asked.

"Josh. I have to break up with him but I don't know how." Sarah said.

"Don't you love him?" Apple asked.

"I did. Simple past." Sarah said.

"Why don't you just tell him." Apple asked.

"It's not that simple. I don't want to break his heart."

"I can do that for you." Apple suggested.

"You are the best. Okay, just tell him it's not working anymore and it's over."


"The sit-ups are the easiest exercise. I'm holding your feet and you are using your stomach muscles to come from laying to sitting position." Steve said.

"I know what the sit-ups are." Tony said.

"Okay, then start."

Tony started doing one by one and it seemed like the easiest exercise until he came to ten. With each sit-up it became harder to do another.

"Twenty seven." Steve counted. "Twenty eight. Twenty nine. Thirty."

On thirty Tony just stop coming up. He lay down and took a break.

"Is something wrong?" Steve asked.

"I'm done for today." Tony said barely breathing.

"We haven't even started. This was supposed to be warm-up."

"This won't work. The only option left is diet. I hate diet." Tony said.

"First of all Tony, you are not fat but you really should eat healthier food. No more fast food in office and you will come every day at lunch and eat what I cook." Steve said.

"Yes, sir." Tony said teasing him and then kiss him.


"Is something wrong sweetheart?" Bucky asked and sit next to Sarah.

"No, why?" she asked.

"I don't know. You seem... tense." he said.

"Well I'm awful person. I told my best friend to break up with my boyfriend instead of me." Sarah said.

"You did what?" Bucky stayed in surprise. "You should do things like that by yourself."

"You think I should stop her if it's not too late?" Sarah asked.

"Better hurry up." Bucky said and went to feed Jamie.

Sarah went to call Apple and stop mistake she almost have done.


"Hey John!" Apple said in Josh's direction. He stopped and thought she's maybe calling him.

"Josh. My name is Josh." he said.

"Yeah, well Josh. Sarah wants..." she started but then her cellphone rang.

"Hello?" Apple said.

"Did you already do it?" Sarah asked tense.

"I'm in the middle of it!" Apple said.

"Just stop it, okay? I'll tell him myself." Sarah said.

"Fine." Apple answered.

"Is everything okay with you?" Josh asked Apple.

"Yeah, uhm, gotta go. Bye." Apple said and went away.


Tony couldn't sleep. It was already few hours after midnight. He was hungry. He moved Steve's hand which was around his waist and went to the kitchen. He found on the table two pizza slices. When he was just about to eat, Steve turn on the light. He was smiling.

"What? I'm hungry." Tony said with full mouth.

"Nothing. I just knew you wouldn't last one day without junk food." Steve said.

"This is not junk Steve. This is pizza. And if you don't like pizza you have some serious issues." Tony said.

"Sure." Steve said and pinch Tony on stomach.

"Jerk." Tony said and finish eating pizza.


"Hey Josh." Sarah said.

"Hi. Where were you last few days? I was looking for you in school and you didn't answer my messages and calls." Josh said.

"I have to tell you something." Sarah said.

"Me too." he said.

"Okay, you first." she said.

"I'm breaking up with you." he said.

She needs few seconds to realize what happened. "That's gre... I mean bad. Weren't we beautiful couple?"

"I'm glad you are not sad. You have something to tell me?"

"No, not really. See you. Bye." Sarah said and run away glad that this went fine.


"Guys, I'm going to Las Vegas for a week?" Bucky said.

"Why?" Maria asked.

"I'm going to a friend's concert. You won't even notice I'm gone. "

"Okay but don't play poker." Maria said.

"Maria! Who told you about that?" Steve asked.

"Dad." she said.

"Tony?" Steve looked at him.

"I did not. You traitor!" Tony said looking at little girl.

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