Chapter 9

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Hey guys! I would like to thank Gaby_elisa123 for helping me write most of this book and always being so supportive! If you guys have any ideas at all, please comment them and I will definitely use them! Have a great day and stay alive |-/ I love you my lovelies and please keep voting! ❤️❤️❤️ (lol the photo above is just something random)
Logan's POV:
I sprinted to the white sliding door on the side of Nico's van, pulled it open and slid into one of the seats. Nico pulled up his computer monitor to the right of him in the passenger seat. The GPS signals matched where the call was dialed.

"Alright Logan, be sure to hold onto everything so it doesn't fly anywhere." Nico giggled as he made a sharp left turn into the Wonder Wharf. I had to make a plan in my head. Okay, so according to the call, there's a boss and a couple of henchmen. The real question is how strong they are. Hm... The car screeched as it halted to a stop as my bag flew to the front of the car. Nico slowly handed it to me with a face filled with annoyance. I giggled for a second then my smile faded as I spotted them. A group of about four men all surrounded a tied-up Louise. Damnit, Four Ears. I thought as I grabbed my bat.

Louise's POV:

Hopefully Logan is listening right now. I thought as I tried to understand what they're saying. The men whispered something to each other, then went silent for a moment. The men had all split up into three different groups for three different tasks. The first group pounced at me like a tiger, holding me down, as the second group hit me with a belt or whatever they could find just laying around and the third group covered my mouth with a white rag. My vision began to blur as tears formed and each hit was more painful than the last. I closed my eyes. Everything will be fine when Logan gets here. But what if he doesn't get here? What if I die here alone? What if when I die, Logan moves on to some other girl? What if Logan never loved me in the first place? I screamed in pain as I felt the last slash on my thigh and my vision turned black.

Logan's POV:

Nico caught up to me as we both eavesdropped on the men that had Louise. I waited for a second and then caught a glimpse of Louise's bruised thighs. She was being tortured by those people. I have to put an end to this. I made eye contact with Nico and he smiled as he knew what I was thinking. He grabbed a rock and threw it as far as he could, it hit a toxic waste bin a couple feet away from the boss. The boss signaled two groups of men to go check it out as one of them stayed behind, their hands in their pockets, ready to take their weapons out. They were prepared to fight. I signaled to Nico to grab a couple more rocks as I quietly ran behind where Louise was laying. Nico began to chuck rocks at each person as I hit them one after the other until they were all passed out on the ground. I threw my bat to Nico and ran to Louise's side and untied her arms and legs. I carefully picked her up and carried her to Nico's van. I turned around in time to see one of the men move, but Nico had it under control and wacked him on the side of the head.

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