Chapter 20 - the turmoil

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Liam thought he could deal with it, but he was wrong.

It's fucking everywhere. It's on the news, it's on the Internet, it's in the interviews, it's on the streets, it's just everywhere. It's like hurricane Katrina, only that this is more catastrophic for him. It's destroying him.

The fans gushing over Zayn being a husband, in a black tie suit. The fans talking about Zayn and Perrie's baby. The interviewers inquiring about who the best man will be, the date of the fucking marriage. The fans just don't seem to settle down. Some are crying their eyes out because they wanted to marry Zayn, like Liam was going to let that happen. Some are so so happy because Zayn is getting married to Perrie, like Liam is going to let that happen. No fucking way.

There is no escape. He has to sit and listen to Zayn talk about his fiancé. They are calling Perrie that now, like they have a fucking clue. He doesn't even care if he is wearing a murderous expression, he really wants to kill, he doesn't care who. The boys obviously sense the discomfort; Louis does his best to mock the engagement whenever he can, Harry just laughs the moment the question is asked and Niall announces that he is pregnant trying his level best to change the subject.

It helps. The interviewers deviate from the topic and Liam can breathe again. But it's always short termed because there are fans everywhere, saying the same weird things. "Congratulations Zayn!" "When is the wedding?" And all that stuff that makes Liam hate them. He is hating a lot of things these days and his mind is in utter chaos, various issues running in every direction. He can't think properly, can't eat properly, even when Zayn soothes him and tells him he is his, they will be fine, they are the ones who will get married.

But Zayn is just too good. He doesn't understand the hatred bubbling inside Liam. The blood boiling, the urges to kill someone, to rip someone apart from limb to limb. He doesn't understand what life's issue is with him, why does it always take the wrong turn in the end. Why can't they just be those superstars who can do anything they want, date anybody they want, why are people so judgmental? Why is this world such a hard place to live in, why did god even create disastrous girls, he isn't thinking straight, he doesn't even fucking know what he is thinking, sorry girls, just fuck.


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