" N. A .T" Club!

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It was the secret club started by Ian, jason and Garrett!

It's a  Latin phrase "Nos Animadverto Totus", which translates to "We See All" in English.  But Alison framed "Need A Therapist"😐

This club would film the rosewood high school teenage girls. "Sick isn't it"?

Marlene King has said there may be more members of the N.A.T. club than we realize.....!!

Jason was the founder of the club, but Ian later became the leader after Jason walked away from it. 

Jason had a doubt that Ian was filming on someone else and he had some helpers.

All the Club members are died except Jason, but he was attacked.

Melissa and Jenna were also involved in this. They knew about it.

Because of all these videos, some secrets have been revealed. Yet some of them haven't!

Ian says that the videos will bring everyone down, including her own family. Alison warns him to leave her alone .

So maybe he knew about more secrets of Dilaurentis family. What if 'A' was also behind some of these videos.

Alison got only few of them. Maybe there are some which we never knew.

And this club is really creepy and they didn't have clear view on this. Still there's is something fishy!!


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