IV - LuLi

166 9 10


OTP/Ship/Crack Ship: Sadly, this is considered a crack ship due to NaLu being apart of the "Big Four," so any other ships including Lucy is a crack ship

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OTP/Ship/Crack Ship: Sadly, this is considered a crack ship due to NaLu being apart of the "Big Four," so any other ships including Lucy is a crack ship. Honestly, though, this is my freaking OTP at times, who needs Natsu when you got two beauties like them?

Chemistry: After the Edolas Arc, Lisanna and Lucy became good friends, and Lis even encouraged Lucy to stay by Natsu's side. Their friendship is uncanny, and together they can just be the sweetest.

Photo Opinion: Lisanna is so freaking cute in the Alveraz Arc, even some people say that "Lisanna is copying Lucy by wearing pigtails." You keep on holding hands, you cuties.

Problems With Ship: Let me see. . .
Not too many romantic moments, really no moments at all.
It's clear where Lucy's attraction is pointing to.
Lisanna supports NaLu 100%
Lucy is most likely not a lesbian, same with Lisanna.

Personal Opinion: I think this ship is very innocent and cute, often is overlooked, too. Most NaLu fans, too, would hate on me for shipping this, sadly. The shipping wars are terrible.

Rating (OTP): 8/10

Rating (Ship): 10/10

Rating (Crack Ship): 9/10

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