VII - NaLi

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OTP/Ship/Crack Ship: Although this includes Natsu Dragneel (who is in the big four/five/six(?)), I still believe this is a ship and not a crack ship, as it has more moments than ships like Bixanna (Bixslow/Bickslow & Lisanna) and such

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OTP/Ship/Crack Ship: Although this includes Natsu Dragneel (who is in the big four/five/six(?)), I still believe this is a ship and not a crack ship, as it has more moments than ships like Bixanna (Bixslow/Bickslow & Lisanna) and such.

Chemistry: Natsu and Lisanna were good friends (and still are) when they were kids, Lisanna even offered to help raise the "Dragon" egg, as she knew Natsu wouldn't be able to handle it on her own. They grew to be very close, and Lisanna said that they were all a family and Happy was their child. Natsu, being dense like he is, didn't necessarily understand but blushed and went along with it anyway. After she "passed away", no one spoke about her in regards of Natsu's feelings, as it was a very sensitive topic.

Photo Opinion: I think it's really cute, with Lisanna happily giving Natsu the heart shaped box full with chocolate. (And Lisanna's pigtails is just cute in general.)

Problems with Ship: None (just kidding.)
Hiro Mashima (I think) has stated that NaLu will happen.
Lisanna supports NaLu, and always wants Lucy to be by Natsu's side.
Natsu, when they were younger, made the crush look or seem one-sided as Lisanna initiated all the moments.
They don't have much moments anymore, the most recent one was in the Tartaros Arc and even then it was half-assed.
NaLi was just never meant to be.

Personal Opinion: Okay, I may get hate for this, but I honestly love this ship a lot, and was confused with all the hate towards Lisanna. Sure, Natsu clearly must have feelings towards Lucy, but he did and might still have feelings towards Lisanna, too! (Besides, as a compromise, I ship NaLuLi anyway.)

Rating (OTP): 8/10

Rating (Ship): 10/10

Rating (Crack Ship): 10/10

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