Chapter 3 - The News

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Alright guys sorry it is so short.

Next Update will be when I get

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(Chapter 3 - The News)


                   I wake up when I hear someone come into the cave. I see that it is Derek coming back from wherever he went. I quickly got off the ground and go all the way to the back to try to avoid him. I cover my eyes when Derek shifts back since he is completely naked. When Derek starts laughing and I hear some shuffling, I slowly uncover my eyes then sigh in relief when he has some bottoms on.

                 "Come here Kit" Derek tell me opening his arms while grinning

                  "No, I will not, I like it over here just fine" I tell him crossing my arms over my chest

                 Once I finished talking Derek growls and puffs of smoke are coming out of his nose so he must be angry. When I see Derek storming over to me, I try to back up some more and I bump into the wall of the cave. As soon as Derek gets closer to me, he pulls me into his chest. Everytime I try to get out of his arms Derek tightens them around me so I can't get out. When Derek gets done sniffing me, he takes us over to a spot where there are blankets on the ground. Derek sits down on the blankets then, he pulls me down onto his lap.

               "I have something to tell you Kit and I am just going to some right out and say it. Derek says looking at me.

                 "Um...Okay then what is it" I ask him a little confused

                   "Well, I killed your so called father and burned down your house with a couple of my friends" Derek tell me smirking

                 I look at Derek in shock since he is just really happy about that. I frown at him since, all of my stuff was in the house including my mom's things and all of the photos. I am going to give Derek the silent treatment so I cross my arms and turn my head away from him.

             "Kit what's wrong?" Derek asks

           I can tell that Derek is getting frustrated with me.

        "If you are giving me the silent treatment because of what I did. Well I am not sorry for killing your father but, I am sorry for burning your house." Derek says all in one breath

         When I continue to give Derek the silent treatment he sight then stands up and placing me on the ground. I watch as Derek starts pacing around the cave and I wonder what he is thinking about. Derek starts grinning and walks to the entrance of the cave. I quickly go to the entrance when Derek jumps out, I back up when he fly's up in his Dragon form until he is hovering near the entrance.

                I start freaking out when Derek picks me up and starts flying. I look around to see the clouds and below us the ocean which is amazing. I can see all kinds of marine like swimming around in the ocean. I fall asleep thinking about what my life is going to be like now while listening to Derek's wings beat as he is flying.

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