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When i first got up out of my little state i bolted for the bathroom where i was sick, i mean like sick as in vomiting in the toilet, every time i was sick my throat was raw, it hurt so badly, i thought about that thing that i got last night, after i stopped being sick i darted to my bag, i brought out the thing that i needed and darted back to the bathroom, i do remember feeling stupid buying it but i guess i knew i would need it some day, and that day was today. after i did everything i looked at the pregnancy test in my hand, i sat on the lid of the toilet waiting, my eyes widened at the result, it was positive, i put my head in my hands and sighed, how was i going to tell the father of this child? but the real question is, whos the father? i heard a knock on the door

" tori? are you okay? do you want me to come in"

"no! I'm fine!" i said quickly

"okay if your sure--"

"yes I'm sure." i said, then i felt a little movement in my stomach, i quickly got off the toilet seat and opened it to be sick again, after i stopped i put a hand on my stomach then sighed, what if its Charlie's and he wants nothing to do with it, what if its Aces, oh my god! whatever i think it might end up bad, i needed to go to a doctors and quick, i had to make a appointment in two weeks, just to make sure its not just a false alarm, i looked at the bin in the bathroom then darted over, putting the test in the bin, god knows, the pregnancy test might be wrong, it might be fault but ill find out soon i guess, i opened the bathroom door the shut it behind me, as i walked to the wardrobe to get my clothes out Charlie put his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek, i picked up the top and jeans i was going to put on then shut my eyes a little as he swayed me side to side in his arms.

"I'm sorry Charlie about last night.."

"its fine. "he said and kissed my neck

"so now whatever happens you still love me?"

he stopped kissing my neck "yes, why?"

"nothing i was just asking..."


"Charlie please don't."

"okay" he sighed" just know if you need me or anyone to talk to I'm here, no matter what it is."

"okay, thanks." i said softly

"so how about lunch out?"

"I'm not feeling so good today though.."

"okay lunch in then, we can watch a movie and be alone for once, no drama to ruin it."

"yeah." i said timidly

we got dressed in some different clothes, shut the curtains, turned the big lights off exept the lamps, called for room serves then lid back and waiting for room serves to bring the food, when it came we set it out on a little table, then flicked through the movies in the end we chose Bridget joneses baby the new film that had only been released recently, whilst I watched it I started thinking about telling him, but what if he wasn't the father? What would I do then? If it was Aces what would happen, I mean I haven't done it with Ace but how would I know this?
After watching the film, I decided to make an appointment at the hospital first, just to be sure, I didn't want it to be a false alarm but I guess we'll find out.

It's been two weeks now, I had an appointment at the hospital in five minutes so I have to leave, I got my coat and my bag, I took charlies car keys, after we had got back from San Francisco he bought a new car apparently, so I thought I'd take it out for a test drive, I had to lie to him and say I was going to drive around to clear my head, he had protested at first but in the end he gave in, I was getting in the car now and blasting the music, I had put some sunglasses on just so no one would know who I was.
When I got to the hospital I sat in a waiting room after talking to the person at the reception desk, I had been waiting for a couple of minutes now but eventually the doctor came out, luckily it was a girl, if it was a guy I'd be slightly uncomfortable, I know that sounds stupid but it's what I feel is best for me, anyway I sat down and told her and she did everything that she had to do with the gel and everything.
"Okay" she said looking at the screen"look there it is."
I looked at the screen, it was there, I breathed out and lay back" do you think we could do a DNA test to see who the father is?"
"Yes if you get your husband in we can do blood samples and See if he's the father."
"Right thank you and we were only recently engaged not long ago."
"Oh congratulations!"
"thanks." I said
"Okay if you'd like to sit up and I'll clean the gel off.""
"Okay." I said and sat up she cleaned the gel off my stomach, I pulled my vest top down covering my stomach, then I got off the bed.
"Okay there you go, don't forget to make an appointment about the DNA tests, make it a week or so?"
"Yeah, thanks I will."
"Have a nice day bye." She said
"Bye." I said flashing a dazzling smile at her before going to the reception desk to make an appointment next week for the DNA test which meant I had to tell him today.

I was at the door of my room and I had opened it, it was five o'clock but since the days where getting darker it was dark outside now, I had opened the door, Charlie stood at the window looking out of it I presumed, I set the keys down then put my bag on the floor next to the chair.
"Hey charlie--" I started to say
"Where were you?" He said
I scoffed "you know where I was, I was driving--"
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not--"
"What's this then?" He said turning around with the pregnancy test in his hand

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