Chapter 3.

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The sun was on it way down and Bellamy was struggling to get his tent up before is got to cold. He had manage to take one of the small tent so he wouldn't have to share it whit someone else.

But it would have been nicer if the ark had sent them some more tent, because everybody wasn't so lucky to get a tent. He glanced over to the boy that he had punch a while ago and saw how he struggle to make a bed out of moss and twigs, he almost felt sorry for him, but just almost.

Bellamy had turn around when he had walked away from the boy earlier that day and he had seen how a blond boy walked up to him. He didn't know who he was he just guess that they were friends, but he couldn't see the blond boy now.

"Finally." He sight for himself when the tent finally stood up. He was just about to go in when he felt how the rain slowly hit his skin and he shocked before entrance the tent. While inside he took of his shoes and lay down whit a blanked over him and closed his eyes to the smatter of the rain.

He woke up after just an hour of sleep when the boy come up to his mind, he couldn't just let the boy freeze to death. He tied his shoes and went out to the rain and the black night to look for the irritated boy.

He went to the direction he had spot him before. He hoped that the boy had find another place to sleep, hopefully in someone else's tent. But then he saw him, a wet figure laying on the ground with is arms crossed around him to keep his warm.

"Hey." He said and shook the boys shoulders.

He woke up to someone shaking his shoulder so he looked up, and with the help of the moonlight he could see that it was the boy he messed whit later that day.
"What do you want?" Murphy asked.
"You can sleep in my tent if you want to."
"No thank you."
"You will freeze to death out here or the rain will make you sick."
"I will be fine." He was to stubborn to accept help.
"Why will you not accept my offer?"
"Because I don't need it."
"Okey then, I don't know what I ever done to you, but it fine by me if you freeze out here tonight. Then you wouldn't be bothering me anymore." And whit those word the boy left and went in to his tent and Murphy immediately regretted that he didn't took the effort.

He knew he would freeze out here so he got his ass up and slowly stared to walk to the tent the boy just disappeared in to. He knocked on the tent door and the boy opened up. They just stared at each other and Murphy suddenly notice that the boy didn't have a shirt on and he blushed.

"Come in." He said and moved away from the tent door.
"You couldn't have pick a bigger tent for our honeymoon." Murphy said and smiled and the boy sight.
"I can kick you out, you know that right?" the boy said and took of his shoes, Murphy did the same.
"Sorry." The boy nodded.
"You should take your shirt of."
"Not a chance."
"You will get cold if you don't."
"I don't mind."

The boy laid down and pulled the blanked over himself.
Murphy slowly took his shirt of after checking that the boy had his head away from him.
"Why are you so fucking stubborn?" The boy said and sat up just to see how Murphy took his shirt of and the scar on his back got visible.
"Oh I'm sorry." The boy said.
Murphy didn't answer, he just laid down on the ground.
"Here, we have to share." The boy lay the blanked on Murphy's back but Murphy shook it of and closed his eyes.
"What is your name then?" The boy asked.

"Jonathan Murphy."
"I'm Bellamy Blake."

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