hell's Angels [9] unedited

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Chapter 9

The next day, the preparations for the ball were well underway. I hadn’t seen Lucius at all in the hours after the meeting. I could only wonder where his anger had taken him. My mind could only imagine painful consequences to whoever got in his path.

Stirring a spoonful of sugar into my coffee, I relished the delectable scent of the fresh brew and the promise of caffeine.  The night had been a sleepless one; Danny had kept stirring and my thoughts had worried over Lucius and the pain he was in. Nothing would allow me to rest, so I had spent the twelve hours of ‘night’ staring up at the glittering ceiling.

Without turning my gaze from my coffee cup, I snatched the little jug of milk before the small boy sitting next to me could get his sticky little hands on it. I could almost see the pout on Danny’s face. He still managed to cause mischief though because less than a minute later I felt something wet and warm drop onto my bare feet.

My nose crinkled as I looked down. My foot was covered in beans and when I looked up my troublesome little boy had his hands covering mouth as a little giggle escaped his lip.

“Uh oh,” he added as if he needed to emphasise his clumsiness.

Rolling my eyes, I placed my hand on the top of his head and turned it back towards his breakfast.

“Come on, you need to eat up. Uncle Luce is taking us to see the town today.” I smiled when the boy raised his gaze to meet mine. “Yes, I will let you walk if you promise to keep hold of my hand and don’t let go unless I say so. Okay?”

Danny grinned and wrapped a sloppy grimy hand around mine in response. I grimaced just as he raised his beautiful face up to mine so that his dark hair flopped into his face.

“M’kay mummy.”

Lucius finally made an appearance fifteen minutes later. The carriage was waiting outside of the castle doors and Danny was already trying to clamber inside. Smiling at the sight of his short little legs trying to lift his body up into the coach, I took a few steps forward and lifted him inside. I made sure he was seated before I turned my attention to my boss who looked in a state of complete disarray.

He tried to step past me but I push my palm into the centre of his chest forcing him back a step. His face which has been blank and held no emotion, suddenly becomes overcome by a frown, lines forming in his forehead as his brows draw up to his hairline. I gave him a smile before I started unbuttoning the ruby red shirt that he was wearing.

“Savannah, I hardly think that this is the time or the place for this.” He protested trying to slap away my hands but I just sent him a glare and continued to open each of the buttons.

My attention remained focused upon my hands but my eyes couldn’t help from wandering to the exposed skin of his chest every now and then.  However as I started to button up, I my lips turned down at a thought that struck me.

“Why are you being so serious anyway? Normally you would be taking the complete -.” I stopped myself by looking into the waiting carriage and smiling at my impressionable son who was peering out at us through one of the windows of the black carriage. “I mean, normally you would make some joke about it and would be trying to make me kiss you or something equally related to sex.”

Lucius sighed and bent his head so that is rested up my shoulder. I could feel his breath against my collarbone and I tried to convince myself that it didn’t cause my heart to skip or the hairs to rise on the back of my neck. Shifting slightly, I shrugged my shoulder a few times so that the dark haired man got the hint and raised his head off of me.  

Hell's Angels (Devil's Assistant Series Book2)Where stories live. Discover now