Part Six

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Part 6 


~Ring~ It was the last bell of the day.

"Come on Ji Yong oppa! Time for P.E.!"

Kyung Hee and Ji Yong walked to the gym together. When they looked up they saw the janitor fixing the ceiling. Kyung Hee walked up to him. "What are you doing Mr. Seo?"

"Just fixing the ceiling fans Kyung Hee.

These things are sharp and could cut somebody up!

You two kids better get to class now. I have a lot to work to do today."

Kyung Hee and Ji Yong waved bye to Mr. Seo. Then they both went their own separate ways to the locker rooms to change for class.

Sung Hoon sat down on the mat and waited for Kyung Hee and Ji Yong to both come out. Jae Jin sat down next to him while Jae Duc had another class to go to.

"So you gonna kick the crap outta the new guy Sung Hoon?"

"Yeah. That'll teach him to mess with me."

Jae Jin scrached his head. "Dude, I don't get it. The only thing he did was sit next to Kyung Hee. So why you tripping for? You in love with her or something?"

Sugn Hoon glared at him. "Hell no! I don't like her. I just don't want anyone messing with my stuff alright?

"Okay okay. Chill. Hey here they come."

Ji Yong found a place to sit on the mat while Kyung Hee sat next to him. A guy from their P.E. class named Jang Su Won shouted out,

"Hey Kyung Hee! You dump Sugn Hoon for the new guy?"

She yelled back, "Shut up dork!"

Everyone in class, including Ji Yong and Sung Hoon stared at her. Kyung Hee just looked away and pretended not to notice. Then she leaned over and whispered in Ji Yong's ear. "Kick Sung Hoon's butt hard."

Sung Hoon looked at Kyung Hee leaning near Ji Yong. 'Damn you Kyung Hee. Is it so terrible to be known as my girlfriend?' he thought fuming. 'You're going down pretty boy.' He glared at Ji Yong who was also glaring at him back.

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