Part 13

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A couple more weeks had pass. With Sung Hoon's popularity, he used everyone he could to find out who Kyung Hee was dating. But it was no use. No one was able to find out. He broke up with Chun Ok and she knew it was because of Kyung Hee too. She was mad but wasn't able to do anything to Kyung Hee because she was threatened by Sung Hoon. Also she was afraid of Kyung Hee too. Not knowing who Kyung Hee was dating was bothering Sung Hoon so much he couldn't sleep. There was only one thing left for him to do. Spy on her...

It was 11 p.m. Kyung Hee had left her house and took a taxi. Sung Hoon began to follow her silently in his car. It took twenty minutes but then Sung Hoon saw Kyung Hee get off at a park. He parked his car away from her view and got out of his car. He snuck up to a bush nearby and watched her. Then he saw her run up to a strange guy he has never seen before. 'I wonder who he is.' Then Sung Hoon began to analyze Kyung Hee. 'Figured she wouldn't dress up. Not even for a date.' "Miss Tomboy."

"Ji Won honey!"

Kyung Hee ran up to hug her boyfriend.

"I miss you. I also have something to tell you."

"I miss you too."

Ji Won held her. He tried to stroke her hair but like always, it was tucked inside that stupid baseball cap. Kyung Hee looked at him. He didn't seem to happy to see her. "Is something wrong?" she asked. Ji Won nodded and told her to sit down. He held both of her hands.

"Is there something you want to say Kyung Hee?"

"You go first Ji Won."

"It's us. I don't think it's working out."


"Well...we're not compatible."

"What do you mean? We like the same things."

Ji Won gave an exasperated sigh. "We like the same things that guy buddies should like. Not like couples. I thought I'd get over it but you're really not attractive."

"What?!" she asked in surprise.

"I mean look at you Kyung Hee. I mean sure you're pretty, I think
But I can't tell from your hat covering half your face. I don't even know how long your hair is!
And you dress like a guy!" and he continued listing her bad qualities....

Sung Hoon looked at Kyung Hee from where he was sitting. He could tell she was trying her best not to cry. Her feelings weren't hurt but her pride was. 'Ji Won...hmm...he looks and sounds familiar...' he thought. Sung Hoon chewed on his lip for a while and then it hit him. 'He's that stupid kid that locked me in the refrigerator!'

Sung Hoon felt anger rising inside him as he looked at Ji Won. As he was listening, he began to realize Ji Won was putting Kyung Hee down as he was breaking up with her. 'Don't you dare hurt Kyung Hee like that.' Sung Hoon came out from where he hid.

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