Apparating Away

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The rest of the year flew by with the Golden Trio finding clues. I tried to stop them at whatever point I could, but they were unstoppable. At the end of the year the scoreboard was Voldemort:0 Golden Trio:1.
And that's how it was for the next many years, except for the fourth year when Uncle killed Cedric. But apart from that the Golden Trio couldn't be stopped.
Now it's 6th year and my allegiance to the Dark Lord has grown even more powerful and my vengeance to stop the Golden Trio has flourished. My nightly bloodlust gets worse and worse, as I crave to kill someone. Anyone at this point, even the Dark Lord himself. But I must keep these facts to myself, for they could put me in great danger.
Currently I am residing at Uncle Tom's house, training, battling, and getting immunity to the Crucio curse. I am constantly shooting spells in duels, or throwing punches in hand to hand combat. But today is different, today I am going to Diagon Alley to reunite with my "friends" and get my school supplies.
"Harry! Hermione! Ron!" I yell trying to sound excited and enthusiastic.
"Sophronia!" They all yell before running up to me and engulfing me in a ginormous hug.
"Hey guys! How was your summer?"
"Oh it was great! Ginny and Molly are waiting to see you!" Hermione says.
"Oi! Bloody hell those two are going crazy waiting to see you!"
"Well let's get our school supplies and head over to your house, Ron."
"Sophronia!" Ginny yelled running up to me at full force and jumping on me. I nearly fell over, nearly.
"Ginny! It's been so long!" I said, once again, but this time not with fake excitement.
"Come in and follow me."
I followed Ginny into the Burrow where I pass George and Fred. They both give me a lazy wave before slipping off to most likely prank an unsuspecting member of the Weasley Clan. Ginny led me up staircase after staircase until she opened a door to her room.
I stepped in and dropped my bag in a corner and flopped down on her bed. We sat together for hours, sometimes in silence, and others in a loud ruckus of us yelling over each other. We were disrupted by a voice yelling at us to come downstairs instantly for dinner.
We ran down the stairs as fast as we could racing each other, loud laughs bellowed from my mouth as I tumbled down the stairs after I tripped. We ran to the table and I dumped myself into a chair next to her.
The dinner wasn't the best but I was able to scarf it down with no complain, which was a surprise. I was helping Molly and Ginny clean up after dinner when we heard a bloodcurdling scream. I placed my plate down and ran out of the room my wand gripped tightly in my hand. I was running as fast as my legs could take me following the noise as I saw heads bob up here and there in the field of corn. I ran and ran, until I heard a crack behind me. Slowly I turned around only to be found face to face with Bellatrix Lestrange.
"Oh deary, what a beautiful face. Such a shame it was wasted on such a terrible person. A mudblood like you. The Dark Lord will know what to do with you," she said before setting the Burrow on fire and apparating away with me.
Apparating was the worst thing on the planet. Even though Uncle Tom apparated me everywhere since I was a child I still wasn't used to it. I felt like I was stretching and warping into a new person. My skin tightened on my body and my eyes bulged out of my sockets. My hair was being pulled back and it felt like hundreds of hands were on my body shoving me every which way.
It felt like every bone in my body was being pulled apart, one by one. They disintegrated in to dust, then formed again just as quickly. My teeth were being pulled out then shoved in again with twice as much force. But finally it all came to an end.
Unfortunately we landed in the worst place in the world, Malfoy Manor.
Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I'll try to update more!
Until we meet again, Nox...

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