Chapter Four - Complications

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During our lessons we had been given many tasks, some touching the basics of survival and the usage of our powers whilst others concentrated on magical creatures and the rules they livedby. It was in these lectures about laws that my Father placed particular emphasise on, as they were what the elementals were born and raised to enforce if a human life was in peril.

The High Council governed the Supernatural world, creating laws and enforcing them upon the community. They wrote a book of rules that bound each and every citizen of the supernatural. The book was called, The Legem.

If you valued your life, you did not ignore The Legem.

The High Council worshipped these laws with religious ecstasy. Forcing them upon any who was of the Supernatural kind and crushing those who opposed it.

Pay heed to The Legem. If you wish to live.

Lily called me early Saturday morning to inform me that I was to be readied and headed out of my house in less than ten minutes. For what? Now that she managed to skip informing me of. In fact, this must have been the source of my annoyance at the very ground beneath my feet.

So, groggy and misinformed I rolled out of bed and dressed in a simple light blue tee and a pair of shorts. Before leaving I stopped and let my mind wander over the events of this week, from meeting Brian and the potential of a large werewolf pack in the vicinity, to my suspicions about George's knowledge. It had been a hectic week, trying to decide on explanations about these events with Lily and Colette, and then finally deciding that we would question both of the boys sometime in the future.

Shrugging, I walked out into the blissful spring morning.

We were meeting in a small hideout we had found when we were eight years old. It was hidden in a gully a short walk from my house, shrouded by tree roots and wild primrose. We had only happened across it when Colette had accidently set a boy's lunch on fire after he had teased her about her messy hair. Collete, Lily and I had all run into the trees bordering our playground, looking for a place to hide from the teachers and the students. Suffice to say, Colette had never forgiven the boy but at least we had a new place to practice our control over our powers.

A small form jumped wrapped its slender arms around me the second I stepped through a berry laden mulberry bush. After a brief pause I found it to be Lily, hugging me even though she had seen me last night. She me go and spun me around, directing my attention to dense crop of trees.

I took into account her suspicious garb, a dark knitted hat and dark clothing. Completely different from her usual rainbow attire. Colette stood but a little distance from us. She wore her usual style, ripped jeans and a band tee. Obviously not following Lily's absurd incognito ways.

"We're going to scope out the local werewolf population!"

Now the beanie made sense. She was being sneaky.

"Why?" I asked before I even thought about the request.

Lily looked at me exasperatedly. "Because it is our duty. There can't be a large population of werewolves around here."

Colette spoke up next. "Rule 13. Remember?"

Sighing, I recited "Yes. No large concentration of supernaturals is permitted near human territory without authorised consent from the High Council." It was a word for word description from one of the books that cluttered our study. We all knew it off by heart, each and every rule.

"So! Let's get going!" Lily squealed. She seemed to remember that we were supposed to be spying on them and immediately covered her mouth, eyes wide in fear.

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