Chapter 2: The Missing Damsel

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Chapter 2: The Missing Damsel

Hera was limping behind an angry teen that didn't seem to even notice the fact that her twisted ankle was causing her a great amount of pain.

She was beyond confused. Everything that happened moments before swirled around in her head but she could only comprehend bits and pieces. The amount of anger that had been in his eyes when he saw Hera between the other two boys had caused Cadence and Varna to stiffen. Since the new boy did not go to their school Varna and Cadence had had no idea who he was so after glancing at him for a few seconds, they seemed to have remembered their anger toward each other and continued with their verbal attacks. Hera, however, new exactly who he was.

Hera had loved Emad since the first time she had seen him at one of the Persian parties she frequently attended. Even though Hera and Emad are both Iranian and had both been to the same parties, he never seemed to notice her. She had tried for months now to get him to at least acknowledge her existence but all of her attempts had ended in failure. It had gotten so bad that Hera wondered if perhaps he hated her. Just the thought alone caused tears to sting her eyes.

Now as he was dragging her down the hall, his hand tightly gripping her hand, she felt this odd burst of excitement. His hand, though soft, was firm and warm. It was enough to make her heart skip a few beats. Hera tried to contain her glee. This was the first time he had ever noticed her and she was going to make the most of it. Hera was so deep in thought that without realizing it, she had pressed her body weight onto her injured ankle, which was still wrapped in Varna's shirt. Hera gave out a high pitched scream as she collapsed on the floor. The pain in her ankle was unbearable.

She couldn't see past the tears stinging her eyes but she felt Emad wordlessly crouch in front of her before wrapping his arms around her waist and picking her up bridal style. Almost instinctively, Hera put her own arms around his neck and grabbed him tighter. Emad still wouldn't look at her. He didn't even apologize for forcing Hera to walk on her twisted ankle, making Hera a little sad.

Hera felt the coldness of the expensive leather seat as Emad placed her in the back seat of his limo. When they were both in the car Emad reached over to buckle Hera in. Hera was struggling to get air into her lungs as she felt his hands graze her waist when he wrapped the seatbelt around her. She focused on breathing properly when she heard a click and he drew back. Emad told the driver to drive in his slight Persian accent making Hera almost swoon. When the limo started moving Ava finally mustered up the courage and asked her the questions plaguing her mind.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back in Iran by now?" Hera asked in Persian.

"Why were you in another boy's arms?" He shot back, turning his blazing brown eyes towards her.

Hera tried to read his eyes but she couldn't detect a single emotion.

"I twisted my ankle and they were comforting me?" It was meant to be a statement but it came out more as a question.

Emad, not seeming satisfied with her answer, turned away from her and faced the window.

Minutes passed and the tension only seemed to get thicker. At last Hera couldn't take it anymore. She opened her mouth to say something but Emad cut her off.

"I was at the airport, about to board the plane but then I saw you between those two احمقها

(*Idiots*)." He grinds his teeth as he says that.

Hera almost jumped in happiness at the possessive look on his face but she paused, confused.

"Wait... how did you know I was with Cadence and Varna?"

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