Chapter 3: The Love Struck Damsel

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Chapter 3: The Love Struck Damsel

Hera knew she was staring. Heck, she knew she had been caught staring, but she just could not peel her eyes off of the beautiful boy that stood before her. Jin sat across from her, his beautiful pink- dyed hair teasing her with its softness. She had not spoken a word to him yet and they had been at a small cafe in some part of Seoul for a few hours now. Although it was not as if Hera needed to talk. Maya had been all too happy to share with Jin how much Hera had loved and obsessed over him in every single one of their BTS videos while clinging onto Jungkook's (another BTS member) arm the entire time. Her endless talking had earned her more than a few kicks under the table from Hera. In the meantime Myra had been fangirling over the seven boys to the seven boys while Tyler got into a conversation with them about the making of their music videos, the choreography, the instruments etc. Because of the language barrier it had been hard to communicate but with the help of a translation app they were able to communicate just fine. 

Jin had laughed and smiled at the things that Maya told him about Hera and while Jungkook looked shy and nervous at the fact that it had been 2 hours and Maya still refused to let him go. Hera was usually the most talkative of the group but today she had not said much. She supposed that she was still in shock from meeting the love of her life after years of seeing him only on a screen. She was so lost in thought that she had not realized that Jin had grabbed her hand. She gasped in shock and almost fainted at the soft touch of his hand. He pulled her up from her chair so that they stood directly in front of the table and the rest of the group. He did not let go of her hand but instead brought his other hand up to hold her remaining one. He now held both of her  small hands in his large ones. This position reminded her of the one in their "Boy in Luv" music video. She gazed frantically at around because she couldn't seem to find the courage to look into his eyes. Her gaze found Maya's who was smirking at them. 

"What's going on?" Hera questioned uncomfortably. 

"I asked Jin to sing us one of his songs." Maya replied, scooting her chair impossibly closer to Jungkook and holding onto him even tighter. 

"Urin neomu dalla                                                         

Jal algo itjanha
Seoroui jinsimeul
Aneul su eobtjanha

Ihaehaji anha
Gieokhaji anha
Neul malppunin maldeul
Gidaehaji anha

Nan neoreul saranghae
Nan neoreul saranghae
Nan neoreul saranghae
Nan neoreul saranghae
Nan neoreul saranghae
Nan neoreul saranghae
Ttaseuhan geudaeui songillo"


  We were too different

You know that well
We aren't able to embrace
Each other's realities

"I don't understand"
"I don't remember"
Words that will always just be words
I don't expect them

I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
To your warm touch)

Hera had spent the entire time gazing into his warm brown eyes. It was awkward at first but when he started singing, it was impossible to look away. Hera had tears in her eyes. Jin smiled his heart stopping smile and moved his thumb up to wipe her tears away.  Just as he touched her face a hand wrapped tightly around Jin's wrist. 

Hera stood frozen as eyes that seemed to be made of steel glared at Jin. 

"I believe it's my turn to impress the lady." Cadence said in his usual theatrical way but no one failed to notice his jealous tone and threatening stance. Myra came up and grabbed a confused Jin, taking him back to his seat. 

Cadence, now in Jin's place, gripped her hand, not as softly as Jin had, and started to sing to her.

  "They say it's a man's world
Well, that cannot be denied
But what good's a man's world
Without a woman by his side
And so I will wait
Until that moment you decide

That I'm your man and you're my girl
That I'm the sea and you're the pearl
It takes two, baby, it takes two

A king ain't a king
Without the pow'r behind the throne
A prince is a pauper, babe
Without a chick to call his own
So please, darling, choose me
I don't wanna rule alone, tell me

I'm your king and you're my queen
That no one else can come between
It takes two, baby, it takes two"

Hera had always loved Hairspray, particularly that song. She could not even fathom why Cadence was even in South Korea or why he here in front of her singing this song.  To the rest of the world he was an open book but he remained a mystery to her, his icy blues dancing with secrets she wanted to uncover. 

After he finished singing in his heavenly voice neither could bring themselves to speak or step away from each other. They just stood and stared at each other. It was starting to hurt Hera's neck because they were standing so close and he was so impossibly tall. They broke out of their trance when a hand was shoved between their faces.

"So what brings half way around the world Cadence?"

Hera would end up murdering Maya one day, she just knew it. 


Later that night they were in their hotel room. Cadence was staying in the hotel room directly across from them. After the awkwardness that followed Cadence's arrival the BTS members had to go to a dance practice for their upcoming music video. Hera had to practically drag Maya off of Jungkook and it was even harder to get Myra off of them because as soon as she was dragged off of one member, she would latch on to another. Jin bid Hera a farewell air kiss and wink and her heart fluttered.

Myra had decided to go to the pool at the hotel for a late night swim. Tyler and Maya left shortly after to get some Samgyeopsai from a takeout place. Hera was left alone in the room with nothing but her thoughts. Deciding to focus on something besides the handsome boy in the rrom across from hers, she decided to go through the pictures that Maya took of her and Jin today. She was scrolling through the pictures when suddenly there was a knock at her door. She thought that perhaps it was Maya and Tyler who had come back with the food and forgotten to take the key card with them. 'They would be irresponsible and forget something like that. ' Hera thought as she rolled her eyes. 

She threw the door open, exclaiming;

"I can not believe you would forget your key card! What if I wasn't in hear? Then what would-"

Hera froze as the tall figure in front of her came inside with a confused look on his face. 

"huh?" Cadence questioned adorably. 

"I just... never mind." Hera cleared her throat. 

Before he could reply Hera's curiosity go the better of her.

"Why are you here?"

Cadence furrowed his eyebrows. 

"I thought I made it obvious."

He took big strides until he was in front of her, an adorable smile on his face while his arctic eyes seemed to pierce a blade straight through her soul.

"I want you to be my Queen."


Today is BTS' Jin's birthday so Happy Birthday to him and happy for their win in the MAMA awards. They've certainly earned it. Anyway its 11:30, I'm tired, and I need to sleep so i can get up early tomorrow. Goodnight and thanks for reading this lighthearted not-at-all-serious book.


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