The Sacrifice

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I stood before the fireplace thinking. I thought about all of the things that happened between Jeremy and Vicki, and Jeremy and Anna. What if he was doing it again? But this time with a living person. Another witch. Liv. I sighed. I was definitely overthinking.

"Otto istane as va sat. Esvet Markos istane."

The chant filled the room as I realized I was surrounded by three Travelers. Travelers who were waiting to pass through me to the Other Side. One grabbed me and pain shredded through me. A second. A third. I turned to run up the stairs but I was cut off by a fourth. The pain was overwhelming me and it was hard for me to hold in my screams.

I fell to the ground clutching myself as a fifth traveler passed through me. I screamed even louder. I don't know if I can take this much at once. What is happening?

"Bonnie!" I turned and through the blur of tears I saw a man running towards me.

"No! NO! I can't handle another. Please don't pass! Please, I'm begging you!"

But when the hands grabbed me, I felt no pain. And thats when I realized it was Jeremy.

"Jer?!" I cried. "The Travelers are doing something, five have just passed through. I need to get to my room."

Jeremy picked me up and began running up the stairs. Over his shoulder I saw a sixth traveler not too far behind. "There's another one coming!" I cried out in fear. "I don't want this!" I was unraveling. So much for being strong. So much for giving Jeremy the illusion that I was handling this.

"Its okay Bonnie," Jeremy said kissing my head. "We're almost there."

We burst into my room and Jeremy layed me down on bed, wrapping me in my blankets. He handed me a cup of water, but as he did the sixth traveler passed through causing me to shake and drop the cup. Jeremy caught it just in the nick of time and held me close to his chest. Holding the cup to my lips I took some sips of water. Three more Travelers appeared.

"Jeremy, they keep coming." I said.

"Hold on to me Bonnie. Just hold on."

I clutched him tightly as the three passed through me all at once. I could feel myself on the verge of passing out.

"Jer, I think they're trying to do something." I said weakly.

"Bonnie you have to stay awake." he said snapping his fingers.

"But the pain."

"I know Bonnie. Just breathe and hold on to me. You can cry, scream, whatever but stay awake."

Thats when I felt the first push. "Someone's trying to break out."


"Someone is trying to get out of the other side!" I screamed as two more Travelers passed through.

"Bonnie you have to stay strong. Don't let him through."

"I'm trying!" I clutched on to Jeremy's shirt as my body shook from pain. The passing and pushing was getting overwhelming.

"Bonnie." Jeremy shook me.

"I can't"

"You can. You have to!"

I screamed out louder than I did before, using all my strength to withhold the thing that was trying to bust out. All the blood and pressure was getting to my head but I just kept screaming. If I stopped, I think I might die.

Finally, it all stopped and I collapsed back onto the bed. Jeremy scooted around behind me and picked me up into his lap. He grabbed a cloth, wiped the sweat from my face, and gently kissed up and down my neck and cheeks. "You're okay," he whispered. "You're okay." He held me close as I cried into his shirt. I was hurting and exhausted.

"Why were you with Liv?"

I heard Jeremy sigh. "I was going to explain that to you. When Liv called me and said I needed to get to you fast; that the Travelers were planning something."

"How does she know about all this?"

"She's not a newbie witch, Bonnie."


"I can explain more tomorrow but she told me that the Travelers were going to preform some massive sacrifice using Stefan and Elena's blood. They were going to overwhelm the anchor so you passed out, allowing Markos, their leader to escape from the Other Side."

"That explains the pushing. It felt like something was trying to push its way out of me."

"You were so strong Bonnie." Jeremy placed another kiss on my head. "We should get you relaxed and ready to sleep. You must be exhausted."

I nodded and sat up weakly. While holding onto Jeremy, I changed into my pajamas. Jeremy tucked me back into bed.

"Jer," I said quietly looking up at him.

"What's up, Bonnie?"

"Can you..." I was so embarrassed about needing him so much right now. "Well... I'm still a little shaken up I guess and sca... Nevermind."

"You're scared Bonnie, that's okay," he began as he climbed into bed holding me close. "That was really scary. I know you want to be strong in front of me, but I can't even imagine how painful it must be to feel the death of every supernatural being."

Tears were streaming down my eyes by the time he was done. "I'm so sorry Jeremy."

"Hey, you have no reason to be sorry." Jeremy squeezed me tightly, rubbing my back. "Just breathe with me Bonnie and lets get some sleep."

Jeremy took deep breaths and soon my breath was in rhythm with his. He kissed my head once more. "Goodnight, Bonnie."

"Goodnight Jer."

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