Final Phase: Of Dreadful Beauty

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My Love,

This is the end.

This is the final chapter of my story.

This is the last game-my last show-for all the world to see.

Look my love, look on how far we've become. Piece by piece, I created the right formula to get you back. I managed to come up with the right way to bring you back to life-or your mind for that matter. Why do you think I want the best Martyr? Why do you think I'm conducting these Phases to test these writers' abilities?

Because I need the perfect one; I need the perfect Martyr. I need the perfect mind and body as a vessel. Yes, a vessel. A body for your consciousness. A body for your mind. I may not be able to bring you back to your body, but I can bring your consciousness back to life. And you'll be young again. And we'll be together. Forever.

I know, I can't see your sunshine smiles again. I can't feel the same warm kisses and tight hugs you're giving me. I can't hear your sweet laugh and the way you throw your head back when you find something humorous. I will miss your beauty. Then again, beauty is a superficial thing. It fades. And as it does, you'll see, at that very moment, the finest things in life. It may be gone, but at least, I'm assured that you'll be back to me. You'll be by my side when all else fail around us.

No matter what happens, just know that I love you. I did my best to get you back. I did my all just for my love for you. No one can compare to what we've been through. What we've lost just shows how strong we are. And no one can stop us. No one can stop me.

These six Martyrs, they endured and passed the toughest of the tests. They conquered their fears and surpassed their capabilities. They overcame the threats and ruled as the greatest writers of this generation.

Yet, they don't know what's coming to them. They have no idea about the end.

And it's just the beginning.

Only one can really pass the test. Only one can be the rightful vessel for your mind, Love.

Let the game begins.

Dreadfully yours,
The Doctor


Hello, Martyrs!

This is the Literary Outbreak Season 2 Final phase and you are about to experience the Doctor's final act of revenge.

Are you ready?

Let's now begin.

Genres and Theme
This phase will be simply crazy because you, the final six, will be creating a FANTASY world that will make us laugh and cry, happy and sad, all at the same time. Yes, Martyrs, you will be combining the elements of humor and drama into one to make a "DRAMEDY".

Crazy, isn't it?

And to make these phase crazier, we give you BEAUTY as your theme.

For this final phase, you will all be competing against each other for the title of the Champion. There are no more teams, but you will all be under the assistance of UndercoverWerewolf and your elements will be given to you within two (2) days after the posting of this mechanics. So, make sure that you have contact with your Assistant or you are in the group chat.

Final six, you are required to use your assigned elements in your entries as creatively as you can. They should be physically present in the story.

1. You are to write a One Shot Story within the range of 2,000-3,000 word limit following the Microsoft Word count. Title is excluded from the word count.

**Note: An excess word is equivalent to a 1-point deduction from the final score.

2. Genre used should be DRAMEDY/FANTASY.

3. Use BEAUTY as your theme and your assigned element.

4. Your entry should be WRITTEN FORMALLY, FRESH, NEW and NOT POSTED NOR COPIED from any sites/ books/ magazines. Automatic disqualification for those who are found guilty of this rule.

5. File format should be in .doc or .docx.

6. Language used should be in Tagalog/ Taglish/ English.

7. Name the file with Title by Username.

Content (Plot, Concept, technicalities) = 35%
Creativity (Requirements: Theme and Elements) = 25%
Adherence to the Genre Fantasy = 20%
Adherence to the subgenre Dramedy = 15%
Impact = 5%
Total = 100%

8. Once you are done, submit to this email address:

9. Follow this format in the subject area: LO2/ Title/ Username


Remember these dates:
· September 19-20 - Distribution of Elements

· September 21 - Start of Submission

· September 30, 11:59 pm - End of Submission

· October 1- Posting of Entries and Start of Judging

· October 14 - End of Judging

Check your emails for confirmation a day or two after you submitted your entry (if you are an early passer) or wait for confirmation (for deadline beaters) to ensure that we have received your entry. Be responsible for your own entry. Make sure that you have input the CORRECT email address. Double check it. Make sure that you USE YOUR OWN email address.

You already know the prohibited actions in this contest. Don't commit any of them to avoid being disqualified.

You only have twelve days to create your entry. This is the FINAL PHASE, Martyrs. Give your best! Good luck! Fight!

Team Baliw


LITERARY OUTBREAK: Fight or Die One-Shot Writing ContestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon