Chapter-36 "Confused"

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"It is not lawful for a Muslim to desert (stop talking to) his brother beyond three nights, the one turning one way and the other turning to the other way when they meet, the better of the two is one who is the first to greet the other."




Zain's POV:

When Aaisha was checking Mahira a nurse came and told her that another patient is facing problem and another Dr. Wants to meet her, after hearing that she looked horrified, the edges of her brimmed with tears, she was looking as if she have lost everything, she quickly called a nurse and told her to keep check on Mahira and be with her till she come back. She left the room with such a pace that she was running for her life. I went out because Dr. told me to bring some medicines ,and on my way I saw Aaisha talking to the Dr. and the patient was the guy whom I saw hugging her, in the wedding ,' Oh so this is the matter ' I thought that is why she was running.

After I returned to the room I kept the medicines on the table and sat on the couch in the room ,whereas Sheath was sitting on stool near Mahira ,talking to her and both were giggling as teenagers,I rolled my eyes at them and saw the nurse , she was eyeing me as if I am some kind of food ad she is so hungry I was feeling weired she was looking at me and talking on phone but not doing the work she should be doing I just sat there when she got up and did something with the machines attached to Mahira and went out.

After few minutes Mahira started feeling breathlessness, and we panicked I quickly called Dr. And he checked her and told nurse to call Aaisha when she came the Dr. Almost was accusing her, i felt bad and angry at the same time. Then Mahira just stormed out of the room , i went behind her and just blocked her way and shouted at her with the harshest of words i can use but she seemed hurt and broken from inside, she didn't reply nor did she get angry she kept her expressions blank . I don't know why but I felt badafter scolding her but I can not afford to loose Mahira , that made me shout like that. I went to masjid of hospital and prayed to Allah to help me through this , I proceeded to Mahira's room it was after maghrib ,their Sheath and Mahira were talking Sheath was holding her hand . I mentally smiled thinking will my married life be like this? Then instantly shrugged the thoughts away.

I cleared my throat before entering to let them know and remarked sarcastically to irritate my sissy, "Am I disturbing ?? "

"Huh you are Zain bhai.. But whatever I need to talk to you my darling brother.. " Mahira said with a tone of seriosity.

"Oh ! Really will you talk to me when Sheath also wants to talk.. Wow! This is a miracle " I said in a dramatic tone to irritated her more .

"Oh! Dude come on this is not fair", Sheath said leaving Mahira's hand and sitting on sofa.

Mahira glaced me like mom, and I saw the similarities between their facial features and I followed her orders.

"Bhai what happened? " she questioned me.

I shrugged my shoulder's saying nothing

"Bhai I know something has happened which you don't want to tel but I can make out. " Mahira said ,and continued, " Bhai I want you to call Aaisha .. "
This left me in daze ,why she want me to call her.

" What ???? That girl almost killed you why you want her here " I said rudely.

"Bhaiiii .. " she raised her voice and saw Sheath and they both made some eye gestures and she sighed .

"Call her ., " she ordered like a teacher.

I shighed and told a nurse to send her to room 308. After 5 min she knocked the door and Mahira gestured her to come in. She called her and made her sit beside her ,and gestured us to go out Sheath went out but I sat their, she again said but I didn't budge .

"Bhai if you are not gone out , I will tell mom you said no for marriage when mom did all the preparations for the engagement , and you know what will be the consequence." , mumma strictly told me if I say no she is gonna beat me with her slipper, I gulped and got up and seeing this Aaisha smiled , I could say she looked cute when she smiled , and that green hijab and white apron of her adda to the beauty. I quickly muttered astagfar to my thinking's and left the room before I end up checking her out again.

Aaisha's POV

"Aaisha what is the matter habibti?" Mahira questioned me. I simply nodded my head in no .

" I know you , you know and I can say you are tensed so tell me what is the matter?. " she asked again and I told her about Zuber, and that he needed blood ,she knew everything about him as I told them my not wearing hijab story. She sighed and told and thought for some time , and squeled in joy, I asked her the reason and she said , "You want O right , then don't worry I know a person with O+ve blood group."

My eyes brightened at her answer, " what tell me who.. " I demanded .

" first call Sheath and Zain bhai,then I will tell " she said I quickly went out and called them .

" Ok , Zain bhai what can you do for me? " she questioned Zain.

". What kind of question is this Mahi?" Zain questioned back.

"Answer I want. Answer.." She said like a mother demands her child. I wanted to laugh at Zain's expressions , but I didn't , I saw his face so clam and beautiful, I thought how can anyone like him use such harsh words and a girl like me don't mind. Then I shrugged away the thoughts.

" I can do anything Mahi " he said .

" Can you donate your blood for me." She questioned again .

" why not Mahi , you know I do donate blood. " he said ,

" Then done, Aaisha you have got you donor, take him and tell doctor Jibran , " she said looking towards me..and I nodded.

I was shocked at the thing that he actually agreed to donate , i told him to come with me for the blood donation , and I told to Dr Jibran , and he ordered me to take the blood samples. He rolled his sleeves and I took a needle blood of his a sudden jitter set to my body after my hands touched his skin ,it was really soft and the feeling was amazing, but I instantly shrugged the thoughts away, and read astagfar.

After checking his blood for any infection , he was allowed to donate blood and he was taken to the blood donation r, where his blood was taken in a packet containing anti coagulant, and then the blood is transfused to zubair after a lot of matching cross matching and processing.
After the transfusion Zain sat in Zuber's room and Dr Jibran came inside the room.

"So Dr. Aaisha , can you tell me if in past he got hit on his head? " Dr. Jibran questioned .

I told him whole incident of how he lost his memory and I lost my modesty, I could tell him anything as he was like my father and he was my uncle too , far relative.

"Then there might be a good news , he may get his memory back , by memory I doesn't mean everything but his brain will start to understand things easily . " Dr. Jibran said and I squeled in joy.

I saw Zain still sitting on couch , with his head clutched in both of his hands, as Dr. Jibran left the room I went to enquire to him , if he was feeling dizzy .

" Assalamualikum. " I greeted him mainly to get his attention.

" wa alaikumassalam.. " he replied and got up to leave .

" Excuse me , I wanted to ask if you are feeling dizzy or tired ? " I questioned quickly.

"I am really SORRY , PLEASE FORGIVE me if you can .. " he said and went away , leaving me in my thoughts off what was that SORRY for why did ZAIN say SORRY to me..


Assalamualikum ..
How was this part??

Jazakallahu khairan for the read ..


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