Tattoos and flowers

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Hinata Shoyo had always loved beautiful Miyagi with its mute, mushy mountains. It was a place where he felt at home.
He was a happy, cheerful, florist with a big heart. His friends saw him as an pure and innocent Angel. Once, he had even rescued a spitezabbling baby crow from a burning building. That's the sort of man he was. Of course he was like that. That's what he kept telling him self.

Hinata walked outside the store and reflected on his cosy surroundings. The snow flurried throughout the whole area.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Kageyama Tobio. Kageyama was a snooty perfectionist who worked at a tattoo shop next to the flower shop his parents owned. He was tall, stark and had major attitude problems. He had dip dyed the tips of his black hair to turn into a shade of blue. He had tattoos just about everywhere and piercings to go with it. There were these particular set of snakebites he wore which Hinata thought was just so cool.

In comparison, Hinata was short, and had a mop of ginger hair. He wore whatever clothes worked really, he didn't care if they were tacky or childish. Everything that Kageyama did made him self conscious in a way.
Hinata gulped. He was not prepared for Kageyama.

As Hinata stepped outside and Kageyama came closer, he could see the glorious glint in his eye.

Kageyama glared with all the wrath of ominous hell demons. He said, in hushed tones, "You're stealing my fucking customers with your dumbass smile."

Hinata looked back, even more anxious and still twiddling his thumbs.
"I'm s-sorry for whatever I've done, and I won't do it again." He sheepishly smiled, offering a bouquet of fresh flowers.

"Try to cheer up Kageyama-kun. I know business is rough now a days, but just bear with it okay?" He said as beads of sweat rolled down his face.

Kageyama sighed.
"That's just it. You're a fucking florist for fucks sake."

"Your point...?"

There was a pause.
He smirked for split second whilst gesturing to the almost rainbow flower shop sign.
"Florists are sissies. They just stand there, look cute and sell flowers which aren't even that great looking "

"Take that back you jerk!" Hinata pouted.
Kageyama had to admit, it was pretty cute when he did that. Maybe that's why the store was flooding with customers. He was just so cute.

"Well maybe if you stop acting like an asshole 24/7 you'd be popular Kageyama-kun."

Kageyama frowned.
"Try smiling a bit more like this."
Hinata demonstrated a perfect smile. A smile of an angel; as always.
Kageyama tried next.

It wasn't as good a smile as Hinata's obviously. It was decent though. Or atleast Hinata thought so.

A blush was covering Hinata's face. He was lucky his scarf was covering it.

"That was... Um - good, I think."
The two stared at each other for the longest time.
"Ah. Why don't you come inside to have some tea? It's getting chilly out here." Said Hinata to relieve the slight sexual tension.
Kageyama simply nodded and followed him inside.

A/N: Oh my God, this was so cheesy yet again. I really like the florist!hinata and Tattooist!Kageyama trope though; I feel like I can write much more about it. I could've written more but it is "one shots" lol and also my hands hurt. Comment down if you like this trope and want more. Thanks. ;^)

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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