Chapter 13 ~ Gordon

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My lips felt cold as Igor gave us both a suspicious stare. For a few moments we each stood not saying anything. No noise but the blow of the gentle wind. I tried to keep my gaze away from Victor, the very thought of what had just happened between us bringing a steady blush to my cheeks.

"I think w-" I squealed as Victor hunched over and spewed vomit all up the side of the alley way wall. His body lurched as another wave hit. Igor took it upon himself to pat his back as Victor stood.

"Let's go home."


As we entered Victors home he pulled the suit jacket from his arms and threw it away with out aim. I watched on eyebrow raised as the man spun to face Igor and I head on. 

"Igor, Melanie,  tonight was not meaningless frivolity. It is a celebration." Confused I tilted my head to the side. I may have grown up with little but I did know that celebrations didn't normally consist of watching your drunken friend scream at other women about babies in vats and what colour brains where. 

If this is what Victor considered a celebration we had very different childhoods.

"...What are we celebrating?" Igor asked confusion filling his tone. A sly grin lit up Victor's features as he spun back around and made his way to his basement. Following his lead I made eye contact with Igor who honestly looked as perplexed as I felt.

Victor had never let us into his basement before, normally this was were he brought the flesh for us to work on from. The electric lights flicker and hum to life, illuminating the most sinister yet fascinating place Iv'e ever seen. The walls appear to be covered in makeshift electrical equipment, some of it looks like it should be from the future like nothing i have ever laid eyes on  before. 

Much like earlier I turn to make eye contact with Igor, but he does not see me as he still gazing around the room childlike wonder all over his features. Mixed in with the electrical equipment are all manner of medical instruments and tools, as well as charts of human and animal anatomy. My eyes widened as I stared at the intricate drawings and diagrams, where on earth did Victor get this? His fathers study?

As we both stare slack jawed Victor primes a bunch of electrical generators...all hooked into something on a table, under a sheet, in the center of the room.

I hadn't noticed that before. It smells awful like-flesh.

"What is that?" Igor's voice makes my attention snap away from the thing under the sheet and instead to the fiddling Victor. 

"Under this bed sheet is the product of ten years study, laborious hours spent over books and tinkering with electrical machines-" Igor and I slowly approach the table as Victor rips away the sheet reveling, well a beast. "I present to you Gordon!"

Gordon most closely resembles a chimpanzee, but a glance shows it to be something else entirely. This is a patchwork monster, cobbled and stitched together from mostly chimp flesh, as well as other unidentifiable bits and pieces. Electrical wiring and tubes protrude from all over the poor things body it looks ready to fall apart.

I suck in a deep breath as my eyes vigorously scanned Gordon. W-was this what we had been working on? Out of the corner of my eye I see Victor fiddling with his machines once more, Igor looks just as puzzled as I am as he turned to faced the almost frenzied man. 

" made this-"

"No. We made this," He looks at me a large mad man's grin covering his face. I say nothing as he turns and primes his machines making them hum and wirr loudly. "The lungs, the spine, the heart, the brain, all the work of you two. All impossible without you, as a matter of fact. Are you ready?" 

I know what he's asking and I hold back the urge to shake my head. How could I have been drawn into this. A mere hour or so ago I was kissing this man in an alley, even then unsure what we had been trying to do was right.

"Victor, I don't- What is this? You said this was about life, not death-" Igor stammers. 

"Stand Back."

I gasped as Victor threw a extremely large switch setting off a sharp buzz of electricity. Sparks fly as it connects with the bolts in Gordon's neck. Igor and I leap back startled as steam begins to rise off of Gordon's body. I can only assume that the poor things insides have frazzled as the machines wind down. 

Victor approached him slowly, hope written all over his features. 

"...What-" The word leaves my mouth before I can contain myself.

"Look. Listen."

I decide to humor him I look at the corpse and I am amazed. Defying all reason...Gordon is alive.Only marginally, but yes...the chest rises and falls. The eyes, horrible and monstrous, are open, and blinking.

Igor's shock and excitement is palpable. I smiled as he ran his hands over Gordon's chest and placed his ear to its chest, listening to the slow beating of the heart.

"It's...alive." He mutters under his breath. I turned to look at Victor in amazement Guilt ridden for ever disbelieving in him. He smiles and sends a wink in my direction.

"It's alive." It's hard to miss the pride in Victors voice as he says the words I have a feeling he's being waiting to say for a very long time. 


A/N: I'm so sorry for the lateness of this my laptop battery died and I had to wait for a new one and the script I have I can't actually find anywhere else. But hey who else has seen Flash Gordon and thought about the bit where Brian Blessed says "Gordon's Alive!" Probably just me :D Once again I'm so sorry for the lateness of this. 

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