<<Neville x Female!Reader>>

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Sat in the library, you and your Best Friend Neville were studying for the upcoming herbology O.W.L that you had to take. If you didn't pass, your mum was going to take away your broom and not let you meet up with friends over summer. You were struggling to get through one of the books, seeing as you didn't understand half of the things in there. Neville was sitting next to you, reading through one of the many books he had piled up. Since he was a Herbology enthusiast, he was racing through each book. Groaning as you watched him shut his book and open a new one, he laughed a little and smiled at you.

"Neville? Can you help me out here?" You whined, slamming your head onto the table . Madam Pince looked at you and gave you a dirty look, which signalled you to sit up and open your herbology book. Neville was putting books back onto the shelves and looking through them to find his next one for you to both study from.
"Just give me a second Y/N." He said. Looking at him as he turned around, you noticed that he kept looking back at you occasionally and then looking away.
"Hey, Neville are you okay?" You asked, standing up and pushing your chair underneath the desk. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he turned to you and smiled.
"Y-Yeah! I'm okay." He stuttered in his harsh northern tones. Sitting down again, he opened the book and started to talk to you about it. You smiled and took your seat, leaning on a shoulder and grabbing the quill that rested next to your parchment.

"You know, I've always loved how enthusiastic you get over herbology, Nev." You giggled as his cheeks started to grow redder while he spoke. He stopped and laughed a bit, nodding.
"Well, it's my favourite subject. I love the study of plants and how they work, and it means I get to see you everyday and I just like you so much and-" He blubbered, before stopping himself.
"I-I meant that I get to spend more time around the p-plants and s-stuff, since I like them so-so much." He started to stutter again. You put down your quill and blushed a little. You'd had a small crush on him for around a year, since he helped Harry in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Moving a little closer to him, you smiled.
"Did you just admit that you like me?"
"No! I didn't!"
"So you don't like me?"
"N-No! I mean yes, I mean-I mean-" he began. You cut him off by pressing your lips softly to his and holding his hands.

"Did you- you just-"
"Yes Neville, I kissed you." You giggled.
"So...you like me aswell?!" He marvelled.
"Yes, Neville Longbottom, I do." He smiled at you then grabbed your shoulders and pulled you towards him and rested his lips on yours. Melting into the kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck and moved closer to him, so you were sat on his lap. He held your waist and moved in synch with you. It was a slow, mellow, loving kiss. Not that it wasn't fired by passion. It just wasn't kissing for the sake of kissing. He broke away and you rested your forehead against his, then burst out laughing.
"That was...great." You giggled. He grinned and nodded in agreement, before pulling you in for another kiss.

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