<<Harry x Reader>>

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You, Hermione, Ron and Harry were hunting for horcruxes. Inside the tent, you and Harry sat at the table that was situated inside, reading through plans and the books that you kept. A small candle was keeping the section that you were working in light, and you had to re light it very often. Even though you were indoors, the harsh winds kept penetrating the cloth walls of your tent. As you read your book, you shivered and rubbed your arms to warm them up.
"Are you cold, Y/N?" Harry suddenly asked, looking up from the map he was studying. Smiling, you shook your head and carried o reading, even though you felt like your arms were about to drop off.
"I know when you're lying, we've been dating for 2 years." He laughed. You shrugged and reopened your books, pretending to read them. Suddenly, something warm and fuzzy hit your face. Grabbing it, you noticed that Harry had given you his jumper.
"But aren't you cold now?" You asked.
"Actually, I'm quite hot, honestly. Take it, I don't mind." He smiled. You grinned at him gratefully, then slipped on his black jumper and instantly felt its heat surround you. Harry was taller than you, So the sleeves covered your hand and you nestled into it. In the corner of your eye, you noticed Harry start to shiver a little, so you stood up and walked over to him and sat next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder.
"You seemed cold." You smiled, looking up at him. He kissed your forehead lightly, then grinned at you.
"Well, you're pretty hot so you'll warm me up." He laughed. You giggled and shoved him a little, shaking your head at his bad pick up line.
"So...when are you going to take a break from all this reading?" You asked. Harry shrugged, but then snapped his book shut.
"Right about now." He smiled. You grinned and stood up, grabbing his hand.
"Can we go for a walk? Ron and Hermione are asleep." You asked.
"Sure, lets go." Harry answered, holding your hand and grabbing his coat from the chair that sat near the tent entrance.

"It's so peaceful out here, isn't it?" You mused, swinging yours and Harry's interlocked hands as you walked through the forest.
"Well, as peaceful as it can be when there's death eaters out looking for you." He snapped suddenly. You turned to him and sighed.
"I'm sorry, I was just trying to lighten the mood." You said.
"Well don't. It's annoying." He hissed, abruptly letting go of your hand.
"Harry? Harry, what's wrong?" You asked after him, watching him walk away. He turned to you and walked closer, so you were face to face.
"You. You always want my attention. We need to keep moving or else Voldemort will kill us all. Then it'll be all your fault." He spat. You gasped and covered your hand with your mouth. A tear fell down your cheek and you ran back to the tent, watching Harry realise what he'd said and pull off the horcrux you never noticed him wearing.

"Y/N? I'm sorry, I've told you I'm sorry a million times!" He cried after you. Instead of going back into the tent, you sat outside it and leant against a tree, sniffing.
"I don't need an apology! I don't want an apology! You're disgusting Harry." You screamed, crying again and sliding down the tree trunk. He came over calmly and knelt in front of your, cupping your face with his hands.
"I never meant to say any of that. Look at me. I promise." He stated. You looked into his eyes and saw guilt and sorrow. Nodding, you gulped and threw your arms around his neck.
"I'm sorry I yelled." You mumbled into the crook of his neck, against his skin. He lifted your chin and smiled. He pulled you in for a kiss, which you gladly accepted.

The kiss began to get heated, as he slowly slid his tongue against your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You gladly gave in to his wishes, as he began to slowly massage your tongue with his. He pulled you closer, and by now you were straddling his waist and had your hands tangled in his raven hair.

After a long makeout session, you ended up snuggled up in his bed inside the tent, you resting your head against his chest and him with both his arms around you.

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