<<Young!Sirius x Reader>>

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"Come on Y/N, it was just a compliment!"
"You said I had a 'sweet ass', which is just gross Sirius!" You complained. Sirius was trying to apologise for flirting with you, which he knew you hated. Though, secretly, you kind of liked it. You'd had a crush on him since 2nd year, and you were currently in your 5th. For some reason, he'd taken a 'liking' to you and decided to follow you around all the time.
"Listen Y/N, I didn't mean it like that!" He shouted to you as you walked up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room.
"Save it Padfoot." You sighed, turning to him and crossing your arms.
"Wait- Did you just call me Padfoot?" Sirius grinned, walking closer to you, knowing that you never referred to him by this nickname.
"Oh shut up Sirius!" You sighed, walking through the portrait hole and into the common room, hearing Sirius laugh behind you.

"Y/N, you can't ignore me forever," Sirius began, cutting in front of you as you walked into DADA. "I know you love me."
"Yes, that's very likely, Black." You smirked, squinting your eyes and shaking your head a little. He took his seat in front of you and watched as you sat next to Remus.
"Tell you what Remus, that Sirius friend of yours is very annoying." You whispered to Remus as Sirius scowled slightly. Remus chuckled and nodded.
"Isn't he just?" He replied, whispering back to you, knowing it annoyed Sirius. Lately, he'd become very attached to you, like her would wait for you at the doors to the Great Hall and outside classes and stuff, but just to annoy him you'd walk right past.  Each time you smirk as you walked past and watched him gape at you.

One day, you were walking around the school in your comfortable clothes, which consisted of black jeans and a thick, F/C sweater than you wore in winter. As you traipsed around the halls, searching for nothing, you walked right into Sirius as you daydreamed.
"Well, I guess you've finally come to your senses, eh Y/N?" He smirked, draping an arm around you. Sighing and removing his arm, you shook your head.
"What'll it take for you to leave me alone Sirius? This is getting boring." You grumbled. He walked closer to you and leaned to your ear, so you could feel his hot breath on your neck. Not going to lie, you were enjoying this despite the protests.
"You need to kiss me for 30 seconds." Sirius whispered. You backed away and saw him smiling. A blush creeped into your face and turned the entirety of your cheeks a bright scarlet.
"No! What? I mean- That's just- what?" You gabbled. He shrugged and grinned.
"Guess I'm gonna be annoying you forever then." He smirked. You sighed, walked to him, grabbed his tie and pulled his lips to yours.

It was strange. Neither of you were moving, just kind of standing in place whilst you both had your lips touching. After about 30 seconds, he leaned out and tutted.
"Sorry, that isn't gonna cut it." He sighed.
"What? I kissed you! That was the deal!" You protested.
"Oh, did I say kiss? I meant snog." He grinned, leaning towards you. Shaking your head, you started to protest even more, until he eventually just grabbed your face.
"I'll just do it then." He mumbled, pulling your lips to his. You gasped a little, but realised that it wasn't that bad. After a few seconds you wrapped your arms around his neck and went up in your tip toes, moving in synch with him. Sirius had his hands around your waist, holding you close to him. At one point, I suppose he grabbed your arse because you gasped and he managed to slide his tongue into your mouth, not that you were complaining. In your head, you were thinking about how you did kissing like this, since you'd never done it. So you guessed and touched the tip of your tongue to his and went from there.

Suffice to say it, you snogged for a lot longer than 30 seconds.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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