Want to make a Difference?

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Who and what are we really? When it comes down to it? Why is there so much evil and unequality in this world? Do any of us really want the world we have today? A world of aggression, fear and desperation? I think that deep down we all want peace for all living beings on this earth. But unfortunetly so many things come in the way of this. Our thirst for money and power need to be quenched so that peace and happiness can instead be the goal we reach for. And we need to start believing in ourselves, believe that we are capable of changing this world. But one person cannot do it alone. We need to come together and fight for what we believe in. We need to fight not with violence but with words.

We so often mention how we are the most intelligent species, but our actions constantly refutes this. Does intelligence mean fighting in wars? Letting fellow humans die of starvation? Discriminating people for things they cannot change about themselves? Or just sitting and watching all these things happen without doing anything to stop it? It doesn't sound intelligent to me.

Together we need to put an end to all of this. We need to start choosing peace.

This is just my opinion but i think believe a lot of people feel and think the same way. If you do, please join us and together we can make a change.

We are simply trying to start a movement that will benefit this world. There will not be a leader and we do not seek any money or power, just peace. Our thoughts and ways of doing this may not be perfect, that's why we need help from anyone who shares our vision so that we together can become strong and our voices will be heard.

So please unite with us and help us fight for a better world. Fight for open minds and open hearts!

Hope to hear from you soon!

Email: openmindsmovement@gmail.com             

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