Becoming One With Nature Again

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To everything on this earth there is a thought. Everything in nature is made for a reason and everything has a purpose. Who or what made this universe will probably forever be unknown, whether it was a God or just science doing its thing, and frankly it does not matter. What matters is here and now. And right here and now, we are not treating this earth nicely. We are taking advantage of nature and the animals in bad ways and if we continue its all going to be destroyed one day.
Truth is, we depend on nature. We need it to survive. But nature doesn't need us. This planet would in fact be much better without humans constantly tearing it down. Instead of looking for an inhabitable planet we can move to when this one is all used up, we should focus on making our current home better. It's not too late to turn this around and we need to take action together. We need to start living the way we are supposed to again, the way nature intended. We need to live in harmony with nature and all its animals, treat and help eachother well.
So feel free to share this with friends and family, so that we can together make a real change.

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