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Max's POV
       We hear a loud scream come from down the street. I look at Harvey.
"Come on." He says and starts running.
I run after him. He stops at Anisa's hideout. I push the door open, it's empty. No ones in here.
"Where did that scream come from?" I ask
Harvey shrugs. We turn back around to the door, my phone goes off.

Hayley: max

Max: yeah?

Hayley: it's time

Max: time for what?

      All of the sudden the lights go out. Someone's hand flies over my mouth, they drag me backwards. I hear a big heavy door open and close, they tie me up in a chair. Then the lights come back on. I look around, Eva's sitting next to me tied up. I don't see Harvey. I see two girls standing in front of us.
"What's going on?!" I demand
"Max. It's Hayley." One girl says
"But I thought...and how did you..." I trail off
"It's hard to explain right now...but Eva is dying." Hayley says
"What?!" I yell
"The poison that Tom gave her. She's dying." Hayley says
I look at Eva, she looks away.
"You see, we were dead. We were...but then Anisa..got that book thing and brought us back." Hayley says
"Where's Anisa now?" I ask
"We aren't exactly sure.." Another girl says
I nod.
"Why did you tie us up?" I ask
"We didn't want you to hit us over the head or something.." Hayley says
I nod.
"We'll give you two some alone time.." Hayley says
They untie us and step out of the room.
"Eva?" I ask
"What." She says sharply
"I'm sorry." I say
She shakes her head.
"I trusted you. You let me down." She says
"Eva, I'm sorry." I say
"Max. Stop." Eva says
"No." I say
Eva shakes her head. I sigh. She gets up and walks to the door. I stand up and grab her wrist. I pull her over to me. We stand face to face.
"Eva. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." I say softly
"I want to forgive you Max. But I'm dying." Eva says
Tears fall down her face.
"Maybe you don't have to die.." I say
"What do you mean?" She asks
"Maybe Hayley or the other girl has something.." I say
"They don't have anything." Eva says
"How do you know?" I ask
"Because. This whole thing...is a setup." She says
"What?" I ask
"This whole thing. Me coming and falling in love with you was a setup. I was supposed to die and so was Ryan. Sarah, Hayley, Mia, Lilly, they're not dead. They didn't die in the first place. Tom...he didn't do anything. Emily's ok. Max this whole thing was a setup." Eva says
I don't say anything. I move away from Eva.
"But Max..I don't want to die. I do really love you. Please help me." Eva pleads.
"How did Hayley appear in front of me..how did Sarah appear in front of me a few nights ago?? Do you really love me?? Is Ryan really dead?? Who else knows about this???" I ask bitterly.
"Hayley and all of them...they aren't normal. They have magic which makes them able to do these things... Ryan..isn't dead..he's back in London. Max..we did this for reasons I can't tell you..but please help me." Eva says
I sigh.
"What else do you know?" I ask
"Anisa..she's in London with Ryan. Tom isn't evil and he didn't kill anyone." Eva says
"What about the time when the police showed up?" I ask
"That...wasn't part of our plan...that's why Tom had to escape.." Eva says
"I just can't believe this.." I say
"I'm sorry Max." She says
I sigh. I get up and walk out of the room.

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