
1.3K 59 12

Have you noticed if you go on your own story, you have the ability to vote for it?

Why? What is the point? I don't want to vote for my own story, obviously I'm going to be slightly happy with what I've written or I probably wouldn't have posted it. I would have around 500 votes [exaggeration] in total if I voted for every part of each of my stories. But I don't, because no one wants to vote for their own story.

When being on the app, it's been laggy and generally rubbish and yes, I've tried tapping somewhere to unfreeze it or whatever and it's voted for my own story. This shows up on your profile and makes you seem bigheaded and like you just want the attention.

I've also had this problem with voting for others' work. [The same accidentally voting]

I honestly think this buttons should be taken off our own work and/or we should be able to undo giving votes.


If anyone has any other complaints/problems etc comment below and I will add it as a part. Please vote to show agreement and support.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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