| Contest 6 |

466 29 80

This weeks theme is . . . .

Seven word poems

Yep, this is happening and I'm excited! Thank you to Ellepuddng for the suggestion.

So, to enter this poem you need to comment your seven word poem below. I figured this will make it easier for me to read the entries and possibly encourage more people to enter!

If you guys like this method of entering your poems please let me know and I'll keep doing it.

(Please do not send me the link to the poem! I can't stress this enough)

Deadline: October 7th 4:00 PM

Results: October 11th 12:00 PM at the latest.


So again, as a prize you get your name and poem posted in this book saying you're the winner and you get to brag about it for the rest of your life:)

Don't forget, if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask through comment or private message!

Stay lovely ✨

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