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author: alright introduction time... My name is scrletfyre. A while back I wrote a story called "Moonlight Siren", a D.Gray-Man story based around Kanda and Allen, a Yaoi (boy on boy sexual content). Recently many of my readers and reviews have written me asking me to do a sequel. At first I wasn't planning to do one but after reading the story over from start to finish I thought... what the hell...  more could be told about this story.

Kanda (yells): scrletfyre...

author (cringes): Yes...  Kanda...  now be reasonable and not do anything rash!

Kanda (unsheathes Mugen): don't tell me that you plan to put me and Allen through hell considering what you did to us last time.

author (gulps): well Kanda you and Allen will be in it as this story is more centered on your children then you.

Allen: why do a sequel scrletfyre? I thought that the story had a very good ending. Besides that with the Earl dead whom will play the villain? Don't tell me that you plan to resurrect them!

author: of course not Allen. Not only some of the characters that I will be featuring in "The Sirens Call" will be on my own creation and design. It will also feature characters from the D.Gray-Man series.

Lavi: so I get to play a bigger part in this considering the last story.

author (sighs): sorry to disappoint you Lavi but sadly your part in this is still a rather small part but you do play more of an active part in this story.

Lavi (sighs): well at least I will get to play a part in this. Hey scrletfyre...  will be another YAOI story like the last one? (Kanda hits him upside the head) Owww...Yuu that hurts!

Kanda (snarls): don't give her any ideas Usagi!

author (laughs): sorry Kanda but Lavi didn't have too. But this story will not be pure YAOI like the last story but a LEMON action featuring sexual relations between men and women. And YAOI action featuring sexual relations between two men

Allen, Kanda, and Lavi: ......huh?

author (sighs): I could have made it a pure YAOI but I decided to do something a little different considering that I had a hard enough time making the children for this story but you are also asking me to make six more male mates... (screams) I just can't do it!

Allen: breathe scrletfyre...  relax

author (sighs): sorry...  but I had an important decision to make as I chose most of the children to mate with females this time around. Only two of them will mate with males. I figured this way would make everyone happy.

Kanda (sheathes Mugen): wait one second there scrletfyre...  according to the last story "Moonlight Siren" you said that the sirens could only mate with other sirens. Why have females?

author (shakes her head): simply enough that what I had said was true in the last story but you Kanda came to a realization that it shouldn't matter if your chosen mates are human or not, male or female, only what your heart feels.

Allen: wow...  that's really profane. Where did you come up with that whole concept scrletfyre?

author: it was something that I thought long and hard about when planning this sequel.

Lavi: so scrletfyre...  you all ready told us that Allen's and Kanda's children you had created for this story but who else is made up?

author: besides the six brothers I am also creating a villain (don't know much about them yet so don't ask) and two of the females one is yours and Lenalee's daughter and another completely my own.

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