Chapter 1 - welcome to Paris

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Key :
(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = your last name
(H/l) = hair length
(H/c) = hair color
(E/c) = eye color
(H/t) = home town
(M/n) = mom's name
(Y/n) Pov

I waited outside for my mom to pick me up from the airport, but instead I see a black limo pull-up. I figured this would happen my mom is always to busy to even talk to me, but then again I'm busy writing new songs to play on my violin, recording them, and editing them to post on YouTube. When the limo was in front of me I put everything except my violin in the trunk and then got in the limo and it started to head to my new home. I looked outside to see the sights of Paris and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, there were never sights like this in (h/t).

The limo pulled up to a gate and I got out of the limo to see a camera looking at me.

"You know it's not nice to stare at people." I said,

"It's good to see you haven't changed too much (y/n), come in." A voice said and the gates opened.

I helped the driver of the limo carry my stuff into the house. I was amazed at the sight of how big the house, not like my old house in (h/t). I looked up to see my mom standing at the top of the stairs.

"There she is my little violinist." she said and hugged me tighter then I have ever been hugged before.

"It's good to see you too mom, and also I'm not little anymore." When I said that we pulled away from each other.

"I know but you're always going to be my little violinist, even if you're not little anymore." She hugged me one last time then she let me go.

It has been forever since I've seen my mom she sent me to live with my aunt when I was 5 years old. She never told me why but I know that there was a good reason she did it and plus that doesn't matter now because I'm her with her now.

"Let me show you to your room and I'll let you settle in for a bit, then come and find me in my room so I can tell you you the plan for school tomorrow." my mom said.

"Ok, sounds like a plane." I said.

my mom helped me carry my stuff to my room and then left. I looked around my room, my (e/c) eyes growing wide as I saw the size of my new room. I looked over to see a mirror I then walked over to it. I saw myself looking back at me then I noticed my (h/l) (h/c) was a little messy. So I threw my bag and violin case only to hear a little ow. I turn around to see my kwami, Tora, fly out of my bag.

"First you don't feed me for about a day, and then you throw me on your bed, your really mean (y/n)." Tora said.

I just chuckled at what she said and then said " Sorry Tora, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, so to make it up to you here have a mini cupcake." I then grabbed one of the mini cupcakes that were on my desk for who knows what reason they were there for.

Tora looked at the mini cupcake then smiled and flew over to where I was "Ok I forgive you. Now go take a shower you smell a little."

I laughed and said " Oh, look who is being mean now Tora." She just stuck her tongue out at me and I left to take a shower.

When I got done taking a shower I changed into pjs and brushed my (h/c) hair and put it into a ponytail. Then I proceed to look for Tora who I found sleeping on a small pillow that was on my bed. I smiled and left my room to go see my mom about school for tomorrow. After about an hour of looking for my mom's room I finally found it, but when I walked in she was on the phone. She was probably talking to Gabriel Agrests, he was the one who discovered my mom and made her a famous model, they were probably talking about a shoot that she had to go to.

When she got done talking to him I walked in and asked, "Was that Mr. Agrests mom?"

she jumped a bit and turned around quickly, "oh, (Y/n) you scared, but to answer your question, yes that was Mr. Agrests he just called to see if I'm still going to the photo shoot for tomorrow."

I looked down and asked "Oh, so does that mean you're not taking me to school tomorrow?"

She looked at me and said, "Of course I'm taking you to school tomorrow, I'll drop you off and then go to the shoot I promise," I looked up and smiled "oh speaking of school make sure that when I drop you off you go to the office to pick up schedule." I nodded and began to leave when my mom said, "Oh and (Y/n), I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you needed me the most."

I turned around and smiled, "It's ok mom I can take care of myself now, and plus I found away to express myself thru my violin playing and dancing."

she sighed and said, "I know, well anyway you better go back to your room and get some sleep you have a big day tomorrow, night love you."

I smiled and said, "Love you too mom." and left the room.

When I got to my room Tora flew to me and asked, "Went to talk to your mom about school tomorrow?"

I nodded and said "Yup and we talked about other things too."

she smiled and flew over to my bed and went on the same pillow she was taking a nap on not to long ago.

I walked over to the bed and said, "We better get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow, don't we Tora?" She just nodded and went to sleep.

I crawled under the blankets and just looked up at the ceiling. Over a million thoughts filled my head.

What if no liked me ?

What if people just recognized me as (M/n) (L/n)'s daughter and not recognize me from YouTube for being a renegade Violinist?

What if people bully me for being different?

After thinking about all those possibilities I slowly drifted to sleep and closed my eyes awaiting for tomorrow to come.

I guess I will just have to wait till tomorrow then....

Hey guys Jade here and thank you for reading my first x reader. Now in case you are confused I share this account with my friend (who here on wattpad) is named Zircon. So if you see a Sans x reader that is Zircon's not mine.
Well anyways thank you so much for reading and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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