12. Death Of A Bachelor

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"Camz, are you sure you want to watch this? You were too uncomfortable to watch in the room during the interview. We don't have to watch... we can go somewhere else."

Camila and Lauren sit together with six other inmates in the recreation room with a television. Lauren's 20/20 feature is set to air in a few minutes, and a group of the inmates have gathered to watch out of curiosity. Among the audience sits Dinah and Ally—the Polynesian girl shares a bag of popcorn with Lauren's cellmate. Clearly, she's amused by the documentary that is about to air. A large part of her hopes that it helps expose Lauren's true colors not only to the community but to Camila as well. She cares about her best friend, and is just waiting for the day that Lauren receives the karma that has been building up against her for years.

Lauren looks at her girlfriend with a concerned expression, her hand rubbing in comforting circles on the other girl's back. Camila quickly shakes her head and gives Lauren a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Laur. I just got overwhelmed with the atmosphere of the interview room. I'm okay now."

"If you ever want to leave at any point at all, just give me the word," Lauren tells her as the show begins.

It starts with short segments edited together of clips that will be shown later to create a dramatic opening.

"26 murders." Several pictures of Lauren's various victims flash on the screen for a second at a time—one of them is Sofi.

"One of the deadliest serial killers of all time." A short clip from Lauren's televised trial, where she is being escorted out of the courtroom by the guards.

A clip from the interview they conducted with Lauren's parents appears on the screen, causing her breath to hitch. She knew that she was going to have to face them for the first time since being indicted tonight, but she wasn't expecting to see them this early. Clara has tears in her eyes and her face is red, while Mike sits in silence, staring into nothingness as he says, "She was never a normal kid. She was better than the rest. This is...unreal."

It then cuts to footage of Lauren and Camila showing affection with one another in the prison, as the narrator dramatically says, "The sister of one of the victims, now in love with the murderer."

Finally, the opening segment is shown to be over as the show cuts to David Muir reading his introduction. He states the basic facts that everyone already knows about Lauren because they've been repeated on television hundreds of times. He explains that several short interviews from Lauren's closest friends and her parents will be featured, and emphasizes that he had the opportunity to be the first to interview Lauren and ask her the intimate details of her murders.

The documentary starts with detailing the early life of Lauren, as they show personal pictures and videos from her childhood. Pictures from her high school prom, her college graduation, and photos of her simply having fun with her friends are shown. A short video of her singing the national anthem for one of her high school's football games is showcased. All while showing these extremely personal, never-before-seen items from Lauren's past, it's emphasized several times that her childhood was normal and she never exhibited any of the signs that many serial killers show. She didn't set fires, kill animals, or wet her bed. Her accomplishments are noted, such as graduating with a 5.2 GPA from high school and receiving a Masters in psychology.

After about ten minutes of talking about her history, they cut to an interview with Alexa. The host and Lauren's former best friend sit in the living room of her house.

"I understand you're one of Lauren's closest friends, Alexa," David says for clarity. She nods. "Did you ever expect anything at any point? Was there any suspicious behavior?"

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