13. Hollow Moon

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Lauren was just handed a "gift" from her girlfriend whom she got in a fight with the last night. When she was unwrapping it, she would have never guessed that it would be the severed cock of the man she performed sexual favors for too many times. Her stomach does a backflip, she begins to feel weak and lightheaded, and she instinctively drops the piece of dead penis onto the ground. Every aspect of it is absolutely disgusting. She could barely bare touching it when it was very much alive and attached to its owner's body—now, with the horrific stench of dead flesh and blood filling her nostrils, it nauseates her even further.

She's not a stranger when it comes to dealing with dead bodies and dead body parts. She disposed of the corpses of her victims in acid baths for a year without even wincing. Hell, she even cut up an old corpse to serve to the prison as a meal. This didn't bother her either. But with the shock and stench combining together, the next thing Lauren knows, she's sprinting to the trash can in the corner of the room and heaving the contents of her lunch into it.

Meanwhile, as Lauren is vomiting her guts up into the trash, Camila picks up the dick on the floor and wipes some dirt off of it.

"You should really get someone in here to clean these floors, they're gross," Camila notes. She walks over to the pot of food that Lauren was preparing when she initially entered the room. Part of her contemplates dropping the dick into it, but she ultimately decides against it, knowing that she, Dinah, and Ally will have to eat the food later. "By the way, when's your next period supposed to come?"

Lauren is still gagging in the corner of the room. Camila didn't even notice that she was still going at it. With a pout, she makes her way over to her girlfriend, rubbing her back with one hand and holding her long locks back with the other. "There there babe, get it all out," she hums in a soothing tone.

Finally, after about another minute, she doesn't have anything else to expel from her body. Lauren groans, moving away from her girlfriend's touch and retrieving some minty gum from one of the cupboards. After popping it in her mouth, she doesn't acknowledge the question that Camila asked her. She wasn't listening and her pure horror is distracting her from any of her thoughts.

"You... Zayn... what the fuck..." Lauren mutters. She's not sure if she's actually talking to Camila at this point or just voicing her thoughts aloud at this point. "His...his dick....you...I can't..."

"Lauren, babe, answer the question. When's your next period?" Camila persists. She wonders if there is a baby inside of her love right now.

She doesn't know what she would do if Zayn did indeed impregnate her. On one hand, she and Lauren could have a child...but it's not like they would be able to raise it. They would have the option of giving the child to a family member or friend, but none of their family nor friends would want to take care of their demon child. On the other hand, Camila admittedly might not even love the child. How could she love a child that was conceived by such a worthless, rat of a man?

Lauren wouldn't be able to get an abortion. That's just not an option as a prisoner, unless she wanted to attempt a "coat-hanger abortion"—though that would be a terrible idea and she'd likely end up damaging herself irreversibly. So then she would just have to carry the baby out to term, give birth to it, and allow it to be given away for adoption. Still, that's nine months. Nine months is a long time and Camila doesn't know if she would be able to even make eye contact with her during those nine months.

"Camila, I don't know. I don't fucking care about that right now. What the fuck did you do?" Lauren finally pieces together a coherent sentence, although her voice is shaky as hell. She has already assumed what the answer is in her head, but she just wants to hear her girlfriend confirm it for herself.

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