Love Rythmes with Screw You! (Boyxboy) sequel to A Kiss with a Fist

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Sequel to A Kiss with a Fist ;D

Dont forget to vote, comment, and fan.

first chapter hopfully will be out soon :D


Tears filled my eyes. No! I will not waste anymore tears on him! I cling on to Jake burring my face in his shoulder. He lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist while he carried me to my room.

He gently laid me down my bed, he pulled away but instead I pulled him onto me. I smashed my lips to his. He hesitated for a moment before responding. He crawled onto the bed straddling me. I stuffed both my hands full with his butt and squeezed. Jake moaned into my mouth. I let my hands roam his sides.

His tongue slipped in through my lips and wrestled with mine. I won causing me to moan. Jake instantly got turned on; his hard ‘stick’ kept bumping my inner thigh. His finger roamed over the bottom hem of my shirt, then decided to travel underneath. They were freezing cold against my bare chest but felt incredibly good!

*beep beep* my phone ranged. I reached for it, “No ignore it,” Jake moaned then traveled to my neck.

“Hello?” I moaned into the phone.

“Um Nick?” an unfamiliar voice asks.

“Yes? You?” Jake attacked my lips again and tries to throw my phone on the floor.

“Cade? From the club?” Jake and I both froze. Cade why is he calling me? “Remember you said to call if I need anything?” he asked sounding a little embarrassed.

“Yeah I remember. What do you need?”

“Well I was hoping Jake was there?”


“Nick!” Jake playfully slapped my arm and snatched the phone from me. I just pouted at him. I just got Jake; well not officially I don’t think I'm ready for that yet. “Hey it’s Jake! …Yeah sure!... ok meet you there! Bye!”

“Meet him where?”

“None of your business,” he giggled, and then reached for me. I pulled away shaking my finger at him.

“Nope I'm none of your business,” I joked while I got out of bed.


“To late Jakey,” I shrugged and sat down on the floor and pulled out a book.

“So you’re going to read and just let me sit here?!”

I studied his face, “yep!” I popped the p.

“Fine then I'm going home!” he stood up and started stomping towards the door. I stuck my leg out and made him trip landing right in top of me. His face on inches from mine. I leaned up to his ear, “Remember none of this is your business next time I see you!” I whispered then eagerly crashed my lips to his just long enough to make him beg for more. When he realized he's not getting anything else he quickly stands up and leaves clearly annoyed.  


first person to comment answering " what do you want to happen in this story?" will get this chapter dedicated to them!!

also any title name ideas?? does anyone want to make a cover?!

Love Rythmes with Screw You! (Boyxboy) sequel to A Kiss with a FistWhere stories live. Discover now