3) Love Rythmes with Screw You

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Nick POV

I rolled out of my bed, the tears streaks dried on my checks. I need to fix this. I need to stop causing pain to Jake. Which I am one step closer to achieving since I gave him up to Cade. But what am I going to do with Zain?!

He left 2 voicemails today and I just don’t have the guts or the words to call him back. The front door opened. Wait my parents aren’t supposed to be home for another few days, and I'm pretty sure I locked the door.

It’s a murder!

I felt my heart rate pick up as I raced to my room. I quietly shut my door and shut all the lights and noise. I grabbed an old baseball bat from the bottom of my closest and waited for the intruder to intrude.

There heavy footstep pounded on the stairs. If I was to ever murder someone I need to make sure to take lighter steps. Ha me murdering someone that’s funny, but with all the drama and stress in my life I wouldn’t be surprised if I did…

The steps stopped at my door and I braced myself. I about peed my pants when they knocked on the door. What kind of murder knocks on the door of the person there about to kill?! The door opened, “Nick?” they question and I went crazy! My bat swung out on all different directions if it hit the person or not. The killer was leaning over grabbing his stomach when I kicked him down. He landed on his back and I did the Tarzan thing; banged my fist on my chest with a deep scream.

“Nick what the hell?!” I froze. I looked down and saw Jess emerge from in between his hands.

“Jess! Thank god you’re here a murder tried to kill me!” I hugged him tightly.

“Nick calm down it was just me,” he rolled his eyes and pushed me off of him.

“Wait jess? w-what are you doing here?” I asked after remembering the fight we got into the other day.

“I came over to apologize. I shouldn’t have ever done any of that stuff to you. You’re my one and only brother and I am not going to waste it. I don’t care if your gay, straight, transsexual or whatever I will always love you.” I stared at him. I dreamed of him saying those words to me. I never thought he would. When he left the last time I didn’t think he would ever come back, and here he is standing right in front of me wanting to be friends, brothers again.

I couldn’t help myself I let out a squeal, and jump, and run around the house like a mad man!

“Jess! Jess! Jess!” I screamed then ran into him in a bone crushing hug. He happily hugged back and I knew from her out he will not leave my side.

Zain POV

Damn! How could I do something so stupid! “C’mon Zain get back in bed babe!”  Grace called out from the bedroom. I peaked around the door and saw here sitting up with the blanket around her waist and her boobs hanging out. Normally I would be running over but now I just find it gross.

Which brings me back to what the hell was I thinking when I slept with her last night?! I guess I can be truthful with her and tell her I'm gay and I'm in love with Nick. I look in the mirror at my reflection and I hate what I see.

Staring back at me is a stressed out guy who needs to get a good night sleep. I had dark bags under my eyes and a scar running from the corner of my right eye down the side of my face from the accident. My face is paler then it has ever been, and my teeth are getting a yellow stain color to them from smoking.

No wonder Nick won’t forgive me, I look like crap!

I looked down at the rest of my body; I lost my six pack which is now replaced with a small beer gut from the wasted night I tried drinking away my problems. My floppy thighs from not being to the gym for the whole summer, my dry knees and elbows and dried flaky skin from not moisturizing. I sighed then reentered the room and pulled on my boxers.

“Z what are you doing?” Grace crawled over to me.

“We need to talk,” I said trying not to look at her.

“What about?” she asked hugging me with her naked body. I tried to gently push her away and finished getting dressed. I turned towards her; finally she covered herself with a sheet.

“I'm gay,” I just came out and said it. Her mouth dropped open and hit the floor. “And I'm in love with Nick. I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks anymore. I'm done caring because whenever I do it only hurts me even more!”

“Y-You can’t be g-gay! I see the way you look at girls, and the way you used to look at me before the summer! Its Nick isn’t it?! He turned you gay! Damn it, I am not losing my boyfriend to a gay freak!” she stood up pushing me aside and stormed out of her room.

“Where the hell are you going?” I chased after her. Thank god her parents are split and her mom is just as much as a slut as Grace.

“To Nick, him and I need to have a little talk!” she snapped.

“You naked!” I pointed out.

“Does it matter he is gay!” she yelled before walking out the door. I sighed and followed after her, managing to get in the passenger seat before she drove off.

Oh gosh I can only imagine what she is going to say. Poor nick he is already going through so much, he shouldn’t have to deal with Grace at all. “Grace, why don’t you think about what you’re about to do first?” I suggested.

“What is there to think about?! You are not gay! I know you’re not! You screw me so good there is no way you are gay!” I don’t know if that is a compliment or not. Well there is one thing good about this, I get to see Nick. I haven’t been able to talk to him after the kiss the other day. I tried calling him but after the 3rd ring I chicken out every time. But what the hell is he going to say when he sees a naked Grace at his door, with me behind her. There is only one thing he will think, but before I can think of a good excuse to tell him Grace is pulling up in the driveway and dragging me up to the door behind her.

“Nickolas, you open this door right now!” she banged on the door. “Nick!” she screamed not even giving him the chance of answering. I could hear Nick running to the door from inside. The door opened and the look on his face was horrifying!

He looked over at me and all I saw was disapproval in his eyes, and somehow that hurt worse then him being mad at me mentally and physically. “What are you doing here?”

“You need to stop!” Grace yelled at him pointing her finger at Nick. Nick looked at her disgusted and pushed her finger away.

“No, you do not bang on my door, naked, and then shout and accuse me of something! So either grow up and act like a mature adult or don’t bother wasting your breath.” He said in a calm even voice then went to shut the door. Grace stood there shocked but I threw my foot in the door so it wouldn’t close.

“Wait Nick can we talk?” I asked. His cold eyes turned towards mine.

“Last time we talked you ended up kissing me,” he said in a monotone voice like it was the most natural thing. I looked at Grace through the corner of my eye and saw her throwing daggers at Nick. Nick didn’t seem to notice.

“Please, I promise I won’t do anything!” I begged.

“Fine but she needs to put clothes on!” he stomped away from the door and up the stairs. He came down a few seconds later with an old t-shirt and some boxers and chucked them at Grace. “Hey Grace there's a new Jersey Shore show on why don’t you go watch so TV while Zain and I talk?” he coed her like a child. She narrowed her eyes at him before turning away and going to the TV room.

Nick grabbed my hand and pulled me up stairs to his room.  With Jess sitting on the bed. Crap!


hey so 3rd chapter!! yay!! :D vote, comment, fan can i get at least 15 votes on the chapter?? i think you guys can do it!!

Dedication question: Team Zain or Team Jakey??

someone should rlly make me a video type thing that would be so kool!! :D

Love Rythmes with Screw You! (Boyxboy) sequel to A Kiss with a FistWhere stories live. Discover now