Chapter 8

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Apollo: Was it a mock trial?
Y/N: It's not important right now is it?
Apollo twitches and he stares at you densely.
Y/N: You alright?
Apollo is gripping his bracelet intently.
You lift his hand off his bracket, his hands were firm when you pulled them off, and Apollo's expression was tense. As soon as you took his hands off he blushes.
Apollo: I'm, I'm sorry. I didn't trust you.
Apollo was starting to tear up.
Apollo: Defense attorneys are supposed to believe in their clients. So how I'm supposed to believe in Philip, if if-
He starts to cry a waterfall.
You slap him.
Apollo looks at you with tear filled orbs as he grasps the red part of his face.
Y/N: Look Apollo! How are you supposed to believe in anyone if you can't believe in your self!
Apollo: !
Y/N: If you're going to believe in something start with yourself! Then others can believe in you!
The gallery gets silent.
You blush.
Y/N: I guess I was a little to loud.
Apollo: ...
The judge starts to walk up where he presides.
Judge: Aah. Here we are.
Klaiver walks into the room as well.
Judge: Oh!
Y/N: Yes?
Judge:I was under the impression that Mr. Justice was lead defense today.
But it's seems it's?
Y/N: F/N L/N.
Judge: Ms. L/N. I see. Is the defense ready?
You nod and say: Yes your honor!
Judge: Good. Is the prosecution ready?
Klaiver: The prosecution is ready, to rock and roll, and to rock and roll the defense.
Apollo: !
Judge: There will be no physical harm done in this court if I have anything to say about it!
Klavier : Don't worry Herr Judge. Is just an expression.
Judge: Oh thank goodness I don't know what I would of done!
Y/N: (You were just preparing for it!)
Judge: Will the prosecution give their opening statements?
Klaiver: Yet of course. Fraulein Clarie Saltier was murdered Saturday night by  a blunt object. And the prosecution believes Herr sunburn.
Y/N: Question.
Klaiver: Ja?
Y/N: Why do you keep calling people Lord, then you call them something about them?
Klaiver: Because I believe it's fun. Ja?
Y/N: ... Ok continue.
You want to use this later so you keep this in the back of your mind.
Judge: You may present your first witness.
Klaiver: I will like to call up to the stand Forensic Detective Ema Skye.
Ema walks up to the stand she glances at Apollo, and sighs.
Ema: Forensic Detective Ema Skye, like you said.
Klaiver: Now describe what everyone should know, Fraulien.
Ema gritted her teeth as soon as he said that but cooled down a little bit and continued with her testimony. 
Witness testimony-
Claire Saltier was murdered at the campus of Kilometers Vertexaccount high or KVAH.
Philip was our prime suspect in this case because of this bloody pole.
Also because Philip was at this high school at the same time.
1:25 pm.
Y/N: Objection!
Ema: ! Thought of something?
Ema tilted her head sideways.
Y/N: Why would Philip be there if he's twenty and graduated already.
Apollo: ! T-that's right!h
Klaiver: Well done, but he does have a good reason to come to the school.
Y/N: He had to pick up his sister huh.
Klaiver: Achtung! You're contradicting yourself now.
Y/N: No, you are. 
Kaliver: !
Y/N: In fact you should be called Herr blöd.
Apollo: You know German?!
You nod and say: It's actually a fun language to learn.
Kaliver: Don't you dare call me stupid.
Y/N: I have, piano.
Klaiver: Stop that.
Y/N: Can you bring up your next witness already? Philip's sister?
Klaiver: How did you know that?
Y/N: You wanted some to seal his fate.
You air quoted on seal.
Klaiver: Fine then. Bring her in.
Klaiver looks more nervous then ever but Apollo was looking through some papers on the desk.
The judge looked satisfied with what has been proceeded.
You feel your heart bumping with adrenaline, and great ready for a duel.

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