Chapter 14

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Apollo slams his fists down: I'll answer instead.

Klaiver see shocked by this, but he regains his cool : Fine Herr Forehead, so why is the defendant's prints on the pole?

Apollo: It's easy.

Apollo looks over to Phillip, who seems to be nodding grimly.

Apollo holds up a yearbook to Klaiver, who seems to have realized something. You however are left in the dark. He opens to a page of the Martial Arts club. A picture of Phillip is shown with him holding, what seems to be a pole, that looks exactly like the bloody one.

Apollo: The bloody pole isn't piece of decisive piece of evidence! It's a false one!

Judge: That's absurd!

Klaiver: Herr Forehead? Is your forehead that thick? The pole wouldn't have his prints on it by now, the Martial Arts club would wiped it off by now by training with it?

Apollo: Ack!

Apollo seems to have lost his lead, but you glance at the trophy case that's behind Phillip, which seemingly has more poles in it.

Y/N: Hold it! The prints would still be on it! Cause they preserve the poles there in that Trophy case!

Klaiver: !

Judge: That seems to be the case!

Apollo seems to be surprised now, as you found the truth of this case.

Klaiver: Then, who put that pole there?

Apollo: Isn't obvious?

You nod as the judge seems to be swayed. Klaiver, on the other hand is sweating bullets, losing his never stable cool once again.

Judge: I believe this trial has come to a conclusion. Does the prosecution have any final objections?

Klaiver looks like he doesn't have any, as the judge asks you the same thing, and you and Apollo have none. The judge calls Phillip to the witness stands as gives his final verdict.

Judge: I believe we have come to a conclusion that Mr. Phillip is

There are cheers of the gallery and especially Phoenix. Edgeworth was giving his glaring of approval once again, and his lips curled upward. Klaiver seems a bit mad, but he regains calms fast. The trial is adjourned, and a victory added to your belt.

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