Chapter 8: Wolves

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"Are you sure you don't want to go to the store with me?" Drew says, barging into his room on Saturday. "You can take your sketch book with you or at least tell me what you need for groceries."

Kira just left their home a few hours ago to go back to Florida and Kian wishes Kira would have stayed a little longer.

Kian groans as he stops drawing and picks up all the loose papers before closing the book and setting it on his bed.

"I don't need anything specific for groceries."

"Okay. If you're going to stay inside the whole day, maybe you should call Arden to come over."

"I've tried but the call has been going to voicemail."

"Remember to take breaks."

She kisses his head before leaving the room.

She gives Kian on last look before exiting his room.

Kian stretches after she leaves and stands up. He picks up his sketchbook, the loose papers and the black pen before leaving his room and heading downstairs.

He walks outside and sits down on the side of the porch.

He continues drawing the portrait, the ceiling over the porch blocking some of the sunlight, some sun makes it's way onto his face.

Minutes later, Kian is almost done the line work when he realizes who he has been drawing. He rips the page off and crumples it up, resorting to drawing something else.

Kian hears a loud crack of a branch from the forest, right by him. He pries his eyes from the drawing and looks toward the noise in confusion.

He drops his pen in shock as he sees a wolf, not more than two meters from him standing between the trees. Kian closes the book and sets it beside him.

Kian's lived here for almost his whole life and he's never seen a single wolf, especially not during the day.

The animal is a black colour with luminescent red and yellow eyes that glimmer in the sun and bore into Kian's blue irises.

They look at each other for a while when the wolf moves from the underbrush and walks towards the boy.

Kian tenses but doesn't move from his position. It could be shock or fear, but Kian hears his heart pick up speed as the animal gets closer.

The wolf stops walking when they are right in front of the boy. They nudge Kian's legs and Kian's stomach flips.

He slides down from the porch and settles on the grass. They plop down next to him with their warmth against Kian's leg.

Kian hesitates before lifting his hand and brushing through the fur on the top of the wolf's head. The fur looks matted and coarse at first glance but is softer than Kian expected albeit being very coarse.

They glance over to him and close their eyes.

"You're not so scary. It's strange to feel like I know you."

The wolf licks at Kian's hand.

Kian lays his head against the wolf's back.

Kian falls asleep to the slow, but steady beating of the wolf's heart and the rhythm of the wolf's breathing.


Hearing a car approaching, Cameron opens his eyes and slowly moves from under Kian's head, biting his ear to bring his head down gently. He licks Kian's ear before running into the tree line.

The smell of a vampire invades Cameron's nostrils, the smell of wine strong wafting over to him.

His eyes land on bright red eyes and feels a growl bubble in his throat. The growl is responded by with a hiss from the vampire standing in the forest.

He watches her take another step and he growls again.

She turns and runs away, with Cameron following close behind.

He eventually catches up to them, tackling them to the ground and baring his teeth at them.

She holds her hands up. "I'm not here to hurt you."

Cameron huffs, moving off of her and shifting back into his human form.

"I don't trust you," Cameron states, glaring at her.

Her red eyes disappear and her natural eye colour of grey appears. She rakes a hand through her light brown hair, combing the leaves and dirt out.

"I can tell. I was hunting when I smelt-"

Cameron growls. "Touch him and you'll never do anything again."

She holds her hands up. "I wasn't planning on feeding from him. His scent made me curious."

Cameron cocks his head.

"Drew," she states. "He smells like how he described her."

His eyes narrow. "How do you know Drew?"

"I don't. I've only heard of her from my sire. He'll be pleased to hear Lucian has a son."

She speeds away, leaving Cameron alone.


A/N: Chapter was a bit short this time. Thoughts? Predictions?

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