Chapter 8

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  An old woman dressed in all black, even her nails were painted black, looks up at an apartment building and sighs. Looks like another long hike up the stairs. she thinks. Her faithful German Shepherd whines and she places her hand on its head and takes some of its strength to help her. Taking a deep breath she enters the building.

  She walks past people going to and from the apartment and takes the stairs to the floor where they are staying. Her dog follows closely behind her, snarling at anyone that takes another glance at her. She reaches into her cloak and grabs ahold of the letter that she has written for him, her future brother-in-law, or at least he was supposed to be.

  She comes to the floor that she wants and leans against the wall to catch her breath. Her dog sits protectively beside her and she pats it. "Good boy." she says to it.

  A man with long brown hair and green eyes walks out of his room and closes the door behind him, locking it. The old woman eyes him, taking in his red shirt and blue jeans. He also has a blue cap on and a dark green coat to top it off. She notices the gloves on his hands and feels sorry for him. Poor guy, has to wearing gloves over his hands so people don't see the metal.

   He stops when he sees her, then offers a smile. She smiles back, "Young man, would you please help me down these stairs? My back is killing me and I could use some help."

  He clearly doesn't like it, but smiles and walks over to her and helps her down the stairs. They make small talk as they walk down the stairs, she's careful not to ask about his past already knowing all about it. At the bottom of the stairs she smiles at him and hugs him. He tenses and gentle pats her back.

  She slips the letter into his coat pocket and pulls pack, a smile no longer on her face. She walks quickly away from him, her mission complete, and her dog follows. Confused, the man outs his hands in his pocket and feels the letter stored in there. He pulls it out and reads it.

I know who you are, not just as The Winter Soldier, but before that. Be careful, you are being watched by others like you, waiting for the order to strike. Among one of them is an old friend of yours.

  The man looks up and searches for the old woman but can not see her in the crowd. Something hard and metallic falls out of the letter and lands in his hand. He looks down at the ring with a single diamond on it, the ring he saved up all of his money to buy for her. His love. His Kyra.

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