Chapter 17

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Kassidy's pov


Kj what if she doesn't like me?" I asked. "She will cause I love you." He said then pecked my lips. He rung the doorbell,here we go.


Kassidys pov

When Kj rung the doorbell,a short girl answered the door. "Hey Bubba!" The girl yelled hugging Kj,making him stumble a little. "Hey Cuz." Kj said hugging her back. She pulled back then smiled at Camille and me. "Hi come on in." She said opening the door wider for us to come in. I stepped inside first, I was greeted by the smell of food. "Mom!" Kj yelled walking beside me. "What Kj?! Damnit! You almost made me spill my Daiquiri." Said a voice. A few seconds later a middle aged Vanessa Williams lookalike approached us. "Hey ma." Kj said hugging her,she hugged him back then pulled away and stared at me an Camille. "Hi I'm Ashley,you are?" She asking sipping her daiquiri. "This is my baby girl Camille and my Queen Kassidy." Kj said smiling down at us,since I was now holding Camille's hand. I couldn't help but smile back is it crazy to think I love Ke'Andre Rashad Jackson. "Wait your the girl who slapped Kj?" His mom asked. "Yeah-" I was cut off and brought into a hug. I hugged her back hesitantly, unsure of why she was hugging me. "Bout time you brought a proper girl home." His mom said to him then pulled away from me. "Took a while to find the right girl,but I think the time was worth it shit I got my two baby's." Kj said looking at his mom. "You did a good job,now how long have y'all been dating?" His mom asked walking towards the living room I think and her motioning us to follow. Once we were settled in on the couches I started to speak "Five months." "Not trying to interrupt or anything but I still have my old doll house if this cute little girl wants to come play with it." The girl who answered the door for us said smiling at Camille. "Bae this is my cousin Diamond,Diamond this is Kassidy and Camille." Kj said introducing us. "Hi." Camille said shyly. "Hi sweetie,do you want to play Barbie dolls?" Diamond asked. "Mommy can I?" Camille asked. "Yeah go a head, but if you mess anything up you need to clean it up." I said, Camille nodded then they went upstairs. "Where's Marcus?" Kj asked wrapping his arm around my waist. "He's on a business trip." His mom answered. "Whose Marcus?" I whispered to Kj. "I'm Marcus, who are you?" Asked a deep voice that startled me. "Marcus this my girlfriend Kassidy, Kassidy this Marcus." Kj said introducing us. "This is my boyfriend." Ashley (Kj's mom) said specifying. "Well it's nice to meet you." I said giving him a friendly smile. "It's was a pleasure meeting you too." He said smiling then sitting beside Ashley only to bring her onto his lap. "Babe not in front of company." Ashley said giggling as Marcus kissed her neck. I found it really adorable but Kj didn't he just looked disgusted. "Kj can we talk?" I asked standing up. "Yeah." He said he grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. We walked into I'm guessing his old room,it was all red and black. He flopped down on the bed but on his back then brought me onto his lap, so I was straddling him. "Wassup?" He asked. "Do you not like Marcus?" I asked tilting my head to the side. Kj placed his hand on my hips then started to move them slowly in a circular rotation. "He ain't a bad guy but he ain't my pops so." Kj said shrugging and continuing to move my hips. "Stop." I said trying not to smile. "What for? You wasn't saying that when you was riding this dic-" I cut him off by kissing his soft plump lips. "Wasn't nobody riding you." I mumbled against his lips. "You a damn lie." Kj said making me laugh. "Boy hush." I said. "Yes mommy." Kj said spreading his legs then moving my hips faster. "Kj." I said moving his hands. "Yeah?" He asked. "Stop dry humping me!" I said laughing. "I wanna fuck but we at my moms and the last time I fucked in her house I got a whooping." He said pouting. I slapped his chest and shook my head. "Wait you fucked in this bed?" I asked starting to get up. "No a guest room." He answered pulling me back onto his lap. "You a something else." I said. "So I'm still a G." Kj said throwing up a crip sign. "Nigga you ain't even in crip." I said laughing. Kj smacked his lips at me and shrugged. "I like this side of you." I told him. "Huh?" He asked. "The sweet soft side of you then when you become king your not nice." I told him. "You get one during the day and king only comes out when handling business." Kj said. "You handle business all the time." I stated. "I'm here ain't I?" Kj said. "Okay, yeah whatever." I said letting the conversation go, I don't wanna start an argument. "Don't start getting no attitude." Kj said. I rolled my eyes, the sweet Kj is now gone. "What chu rolling yo eyes for?" Kj asked. "Nothing." I said getting off his lap. "Nah you rolled your eyes for a reason an I wanna know why." Kj said sitting up and sitting me on his lap. "Cause the sweet side of you I rarely see unless it's just you, Camille,and me. But when your with your boys your a whole nother person." I said. "So I'm suppose to act girly and shit around my boys? You want me to be sweet to everybody? But you gonna get mad when I give a hoe the time of day cause I was being sweet to her." Kj said raising his eyebrow, he had a point. "Okay forget I said anything." I said. "Bae you and Camille are the only females I'm sweet to besides my family." Kj said. "We better be." I said smiling , I just want this conversation to end. "Of course." He said kissing my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, he sucked on my bottom lip asking for entrance I gladly gave it too him. Kj's hands roamed my body, I swear I get goosebumps under his touch. I shivered slightly as his hands went under my shirt. "I thought you weren't allowed to fuck in your moms house." I said against his lips. "I'm not, but maybe just a quickie." He said. "Hell no." I said shaking my head, it would be one thing if his parents weren't home but they are and that wouldn't be a good first impression. "Why not?" Kj asked pouting. "Cause we're at your moms house." I said. "Fine but best believe when we get to your place I'm tearing that ass up." He said. "No your not cause me,Camille and the girls are having a girls night." I told him. "Thanks for the short ass notice." Kj mumbled. "You welcome." I said. "Hand me my phone." He said pointing to the dresser beside us. I grabbed his phone as it lite up, I passed it too him. "Y'all come eat!" His mom yelled from downstairs. "Leggo!" Kj said getting off the bed. "Greedy ass." I said laughing. We walked downstairs and entered the kitchen everyone was waiting on us. We quickly sat down. We all said grace then began fixing our plates. "So Kassidy where do you work?" Ashley asked. "Um I'm a nurse well I'm working on getting my degree but I'm just kind of the doctors assistants." I replied. "Interesting how old are you?" She asked. "20." I answered. "How does your baby daddy feel about you dating Kj?" She asked. "You don't have to answers that." Kj said to me. "I don't mind he past away." I said. "I'm sorry to hear that was he close with Camille?" She asked. "He was a deadbeat for four years then I had a man who I adore stepped in as her dad." I said looking at Kj he was grinning from ear to ear he looked like the kool-aid man. "Have your parents met Kj?" She asked. "Actually my parents left me and my brother when I was 14." I said with no emotion. "Sorry to hear that your a strong lady,Tell me about your brother." She said. "Ma her brother is Cali." Kj said. "Wow! You and Cali look a lot alike." She said. "Um Kassidy are your parents names Robert and Miranda?" Marcus asked. "Yes sir, did you know them?" I asked. "Sweetie your my god daughter." Marcus said. "Me and your dad are bestfriends." Marcus continued. "Are you mean were?" I asked. "No I mean are, how can I put this um your parents are still alive." When he said that I stared at him shocked. "What?! Why did they leave me?! Us to be exact! Do you have their number?!" I asked yelling I didn't mean to I'm just shocked. "You want me to call them?" He asked. "Yes." I said nodding frantically. He picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. It rung the person answered on the 2nd ring.

Phone convo on speaker:

Lady: Hello Marcus

Marcus: Hey Miranda um where is Robert.

Miranda: Right here why?

Marcus: Put the phone on speaker someone would like to speak to you.

Robert: Alright hello

Me: Um this is Kassidy Jones your daughter......

Vote! Comment! Hope you enjoyed! I had writers block sorry for the wait! Excuse the mistakes I may have made! Hope you enjoyed! Again VOTE & COMMENT!

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