chapter 19

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Hey readers! If you haven't already check out my new story 'Love & Basketball' it's on my page. Hope y'all like it vote and comment!


Ke'Andre point of view

"What about us?" Kassidy asked grabbing my hand.

"We'll talk about it later." I replied.

she dropped my hand and turned towards the window. I already know she has an attitude. We arrived at her parents house, is it strange that she still hasn't meet them face to face? I guess it's just me tripping. Before I could get Camille out of the backseat Kassidy beat me too it and slammed the car door.

I sighed and walked behind them, she really is tripping. "Kassidy would you slow down." I said grabbing her waist. "Nope." She said taking my hand off of her. "Mane you tripping." I told her. She didn't answer me she walked to the front door and rung the doorbell. The door opened a young female opened the door. "Hi please come in." She said smiling. We smiled and walked inside the foyer. Before I could turn around and asked the girl something I felt something cold and hard go against my head. I fell on the ground. Everything felt dizzy soon I blacked out.


Kassidys point of view

I heard a thud from behind me, I jumped and turned around to see Kj on the floor with a familiar looking female holding a black skillet pan. "Daddy!" Camille yelped trying to get out of my arms. "What the-" I was cut off by a hand going over my mouth. I bit the hand as the girl tried to take Camille out of my hands. "Back the fuck up." I said backing away from her. I'm hella scared. I set Camille down behind me as the girl punched me in my face, I grabbed her by her hair and slung her on the ground. "Shouldn't have done that bitch!" I heard a voice say from behind me, I turned around and seen another girl wearing a ski mask holding a gun to Camille's head. What the fuck have we gotten into? And most importantly who set us up?


Ashley's (Kj's mom) point of view

I got a phone call from Kj telling me to come over. I got dressed in sweats I grabbed my gun and keys then sped to his house. I always stay strapped especially since Kj's in this drug game.

I arrived and got out the car, I knocked on the door a few times. Marcus opened the door. "Hey babe what are you doing here?" I asked walking in. "Nothing." Marcus said. "Where's Kj?" I asked turning around to face him, I felt a cold metal on my temple. I smirked. I grabbed my gun off my waist and put on his neck. "You were never a dumb bitch." I heard a voice say. The person appeared in front of me. This is the motherfucker who killed Kj's dad his rival. "What Marco?" I asked. "If you would've just told Kj to give up the drug game you wouldn't be in this mess." Marco sneered at me. "Fuck you, you piece of shit." I spat then shot Marcus in his neck I don't know what he was waiting for. In this game it's kill or be killed. I stumbled back so I rolled kind of like a backflip but I was on my knees. I felt a stinging sensation go through my thigh. "Good job Kim." Marco said to the girl behind me who I didn't even noticed.

I felt a gun on the back of my head. I've been through this so many times it doesn't faze me. I knew Marcus was sneaky but id never think he stoop so low. In this game trust no one even family can turn on you. I heard the shot go off. I'm prepared to die. Lord forgive me for all my sins I guess it's time to see my one and only true love.

Vote and comment! Do y'all remember Kim??? Who do y'all think is doing this? COMMENT!

If you haven't already check out my new story 'Love & Basketball' it's on my page. Excuse my mistakes! Tell me who y'all think whose behind this. If y'all get it right I'll shout y'all out in the next chapter.

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