The Virtue of Patience is Revealed

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* Crash *
Meliodas who was holding a glass about to drink it dropped it to the floor . Evangeline was unconscious King floated over seeing her symbol he choked back a gasp. " She's telling The truth Guys . " Evangeline stirred slowly before she opened her eyes seeing Meliodas her body began to move her eyes slightly blank as she made her way towards Meliodas who backed away. " Evangeline...? He slowly said but then slightly jumped as she leaned against him her breasts pressed against his chest her lithe arms wrapped around his neck loosely before she cooed his name in a whisper. " Meliodas. "
The sweet whisper sent shivers down his spine before her lips pressed against his. Those cool lips felt smooth and amazing they felt familiar like he's felt these lips upon his own he slowly felt himself sinking in deeply before she pulled away tracing his lips. " My Love it is good to see you again...." She whispered before her slightly blank eyes suddenly light again
she blinked looking around. " What the...? I thought me and Elizabeth we're..." She turned seeing she was inches away from Meliodas's face then she heard a loud cry from Diane. " No ! She kissed the Captain she got to kiss The Captain ! " Diane shouted she had been watching out the window and manage to see them kiss and now...she was throwing a tantrum outside. Evangeline let out a cry and fell to her bottom crawling backwards. " Diane I promise you nothing happened I can't remember anything. " Meliodas walked over and squatted down to meet her eye level before grabbing her breasts which made her squeal she wrapped her arms around her breasts his grip was tight and...warm. " Don't do that Meliodas ! " Evangeline whined " You sure you don't remember kissing me or saying ' My Love it is good to see you again ' ." Meliodas questioned before calling out to a whining Diane as he walked to the opened door . " Diane she doesn't remember it's okay. " Diane immediately opened her Purple eyes as she sniffed lightly. " Mmm..."
Evangeline groaned getting their attention before Merlin walked over alongside Elizabeth the handprint on her cheek long gone as they helped her. " Here we believe that rest would help Miss Evangeline. " Merlin said softly walking away with Evangeline who slowly walk before she let herself slip away from both girls who watched as she went up the stairs . Then their was a knock at the door making them turn Elizabeth walked to the door going to open it. " Yes ? " A pink haired woman looked at Evangeline with a hand on her curved hip. " Yes is Evangeline home ? " She questioned her sickly sweet voice filled the air Meliodas didn't feel very uncomfortable with this Woman. " That depends do you need something from her Ma'am ? " Elizabeth questioned before The Woman's lips became a smirk. " Why yes in fact I do my name is Liberty
, A Holy Knight and...." Her smirk grew wider " Freesia's Little Sister. " Diane's growl could be heard before a loud shout could be heard.
" Elizabeth get away from her! "
Meliodas came charging forward with Lostvayne in hand but he was slammed into a wall with a loud cry. " Sir Meliod-! " Elizabeth cried out but didn't finish before Purple Energy covered her and everyone as well. " D-Damn.." Ban growled he couldn't get free his entire body felt numb and buzzed as well Liberty 'tsked' rather gently then walked over to the stairs not before stepping on Hawk's back rather hard making him yelp in pain. " Hawk ! Leave him alone ! " Elizabeth shouted but that held no affect on Liberty who growled out her answer. " Disgusting Vermit. " She then walked up the stairs going to Evangeline's room. Opening the door Evangeline was asleep before she stirred opening her eyes before she saw Liberty with a Whip made of Purple Energy that crackled she swung it. With a gasp Evangeline spun out the bed watching it be sliced up like butter her eyes filled with pure shock. " Unlike my Sister who loves bugs I despise them but we have a passionate for a good whipping that's for sure. " Terrified Brown eyes became wide before a blood curdling shrill shriek filled the air . The Purple Energy covered The Sins disappeared as Meliodas bolted going for the door. " Evangeline are you-" Meliodas couldn't speak on the ground twitching and sobbing with Thick Whip Marks on her back not to mention a Sleeping Milky White Ox on her shoulder blade was Evangeline Meliodas slowly made his way over to her and grabbed her into a hug. She gripped his back tightly bawling his fingers smoothed through her loose hair. " It's okay...Shh...I've got ya nobody's ever gonna touch you like ever. " He whispered rage boiled through his body nobody would ever touch her like that ever....
A/N: Well...that happened will Evangeline be okay, will we ever see Liberty these questions are still unknown tune in next time on ' Wrath & Patience ' !

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