The Next Morning.....
Faiths P.O.V ~
I woke up in my room with Jesse beside me...he was still asleep so i decided to go downstairs to make breakfast seeing as though it was 7 in the morning. When i went down stairs i was net with Aaliyah,Jordyn,and Kaidence. "Morning chicas" i said they all replied with a groggy morning. "So what are we gonna do today?" asked Kaidence. "Did you forget over night crazy... we are going shopping today with fae for her birthday." "But howwww we have the boys.." "well they can come along to.. that's not a problem at all :)." After our conversation we finish cooking and soon the boys come down and start eating. We have to tell them multiple of times to slow down but hey...los niños serán niños. We told them about our plan to go to the mall in a few and they agreed to go so,after eating we went back to our rooms to change. " You can change in front of me ma I don't mind ", said Jesse with a smirk on his face I slowly walked over to him and said "no es un mal chico oportunidad" and took all my clothes to the bathroom to get ready.
~AT THE MALL~ Jordyn's P.O.V
I'm walking with the girls , the guys behind us, and we are trying to figure out what stores to visit."So what store do we go to first?" asked Aaliyah. "I think we should go to Forever 21 first ,then go to Urban Outfitters,then go to H&M after that..." she slowed down and look behind us to make sure the boys weren't listening to us, they wasn't or so we thought..."we need to go to Victoria Secret..cause I need new underwear..but we can't let the boys know cause... well ya'll already know..." We started to laugh and apparently it was really loud cause some people looked at us this including the boys. "What are ya'll laughing at?" asked Byron "Ummmmm..." We looked at each other and said nothing , they looked at us suspiciously but didn't continue to ask. When we got to Forever 21 we started to look around but while doing that we broke up into groups of two ...i'm sure you could guess the people :). As me and Byron go off on our own he asks "So what were ya'll laughing about" while he puts his arms around my waist. HA, he thinks that's gonna make me tell him..."Oh nothing just..stuff, stop being noisy " I kiss his lips then walk away he catches up to me and helps me pick some stuff out...this may be a fun day after all.
~Faith's P.O.V~
After we part into our groups, Jesse automatically asks what we laughed about me being me I tell him "nothing...that you need to worry about" then
walked away smiling. We shopped there then went to the next store, before we went to H&M we needed to rest so we went to the food court and got Chinese Food... my favorite.. anyway we sat with our food while the boys went to the restroom, while we were talking some boys came up to us and well here's how that situation went....."Hey babes" we looked behind us and looked back at them "are you talking to us?" asked Kae "yeah sweet cheeks" said one of the boys winking at her. "Yeah,sorry not to be rude or anything but we already have boyfriends"said aaliyah.
"Well I guess we don't care" said one with blonde hair. They tried to sit in front of us but key word tried..."Okay you may not care but we do so move your butts or we move them for you." Can you guess who said that yup that was me 😂😂
Anyway they still refused so I took things into my own hands
"Okay.. Why sit so far come over here😈" I said. The girls looked at me crazy but, the boys moved closer. The guy who likes me moved near me. He has dark brown hair with mocha colored skin and maroon eyes..I admit he was cute but not like Jesse...
"So what's up ma" he asked. I smirked and continued to talk..."If you and your friends don't move I will hang up upside down and chop off your nuts and shove them in your mouth..understand?" He paled and slowly nodded looked to his boys and quickly got up and almost got away when they were caught by the boys ,this should be fun...~Jesse's P.O.V~
As we walk back from the bathroom we see some guys talking to the girls we get closer and I hear Faith threatening them. That's my girl. They pale and start to run away but lucky for them they ran right into us and all hell was bout to break loose....
"Yo man what are you doing" I asked "We.. Ugh...we...." "You were what!?"asked Byron "We were trying to hit on those fine girls over there but the one with camo pants on scared the shit out of us". They nod their heads to agree. While we on the other hand are trying to stay calm...." Do you know why they turned you down?" asked Tank "They said they had boyfriends..their probably weak" "DO WE LOOK WEAK TO YOU!?"yelled Tyson "Your... their..boyfriends..😵😨" "Yes we are and YOUR ..dead..." I said. But before anything could happen the girls came and put their arms around our neck. Faith whispered in my ear..."bebé está bien deja apenas acaba de hacer compras para que podamos volver a casa" "bien princesa sólo para usted". "Y'all lucky my baby got to me before I got to you". I grabbed her ass and growled mine then walked back to our table. "Damn that shit was aggravating as hell", said Byron. "We can't go nowhere without somebody tryna get with y'all", says Tyson. Tank didn't say anything just put his arm around Kai's waist and kept kissing her neck trying to calm himself down. "Nena está bien .. Soy todo tuyo y solo tuyo", said faith. "Sé princesa, pero voy a vencer a un culo nigga". "Haha Lo se papi". She bit her lip after saying that and I was no more good....."AYE NIGGA, y'all nasty spanish speaking freaks we ready to go before we have to beat somebody!" ,said Tyson. "....or before y'all fuck in mall... don't nobody wanna see or hear that.....", said Tank. While Byron and Jordyn shook their heads giggling. "Mane I know you ain't talking.....". This overall was a good day just hanging with my boys and my bae and her girls. Yeah it's perfect!________________________________________________________________
Hey sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been either hella busy or I was just lazy but that's over now I will try to update for you guys mire frequently than I used to but hey I'm only human.😂😂😂 Let me know what you think of the book , comment, vote and follow😚😚 and if you wouldn't mind my best friend Diva1399 has a new book she's writing and it needs done love so go check it out. I love you all and yea that's it so😚😚😚😚.
💋{Mami Mani}✌

My Life as a Teen.
Novela JuvenilA 18 year old girl named Faith lives a crazy and wonderful life. She's it the best if friends she's known all her life. Join Faith and her friends and see how they live life. And how they deal with its problems and have fun at the same time.